Out the window

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I was awoken by the loud sounds of chirping. I threw the sheets off of me and got up to get my back, immediately wishing I kept sleeping. I groaned and walked over to my bag, grabbing some of the fruit from earlier and setting it on my desk.

I pulled out an ice glyph and formed it into a small dagger so I didn't have to go grab a knife. I started cutting the mango into small yellow cubes for Flapjack and I to share, as soon as I was done with that I went on to the pineapple.

I was about halfway done when I heard a loud tapping on my window. I jumped back, almost falling off the chair I was sitting on out of surprise. I slowly walked towards the window and pushed the velvet curtains out of the way as I opened it.

Greeting me was the face of Edric Blight, "hey, golden boy". I leaned out the window slightly, blinking rapidly, "What are you doing? Are you trying to break your neck?".

He grinned and looked up at me, "I figured that you just sneaking out your door wasn't going to work, so I improvised" he said, crossing his arms triumphantly.

I squinted at him, "how do you expect me to get down, I am not jumping out my window" I mocked. He frowned at me, "you're no fun", then with a dramatic sigh he said, "I guess I'll just carry you"

I felt my face heating up and I turned away, "ok, just give me a second". I put the fruit I had already cut up into Flapjacks cage and the remaining things back in my bag.

"Alright Prince Charming, whisk me away" I said walking back to the window and I internally face palmed. I can't believe I just said that. Edric grinned and grabbed my hand, helping me out the window. He lifted my legs up and my hands instinctively wrapped around his neck.

As the plant lowered us down I noticed Edric look off away from me and what appeared to be a light blush dusted his nose and ears, though I was probably just imagining that last part, it was pretty dark out.

Once we reached the ground Edric moved his hand and helped me regain my balance. "Do you want to go to the hill?" He asked. "Sure" I said, a smile growing on my face.

We walked over towards the hill, our only light was the pale moonlight that shone against the ground. Once we both sat down on the grassy I lifted my head to look at the stars, Edric did the same.

After a few minutes of comfortable silence he lowered his head and turned towards me, "I want to know more about you" he said, breaking the silence.
"Huh?" I asked, "why?". He looked at me, sincerity showing in his eyes.

"I think you're engaging, but I also think I don't know much about you" he leaned a little closer, holding the eye contact, "and I want to".

I smiled at him and scooted closer, "what do you want to know?". He grinned, "so I don't want to get too person so" he trailed off, furrowing his eyebrows. Suddenly he snapped his fingers together, "what's you're favorite color?"

I thought for a moment, then I met his eyes. "Yellow" I answered. "What's yours?" I asked, curious. "Blue" he said immediately. "Alright my turn" I said.

"When's your birthday?" I questioned. "June 7th" he answered. "Oh, so you're turning 17 soon, right?" I asked, he nodded. "When's yours?" He asked. "July 15th" he smiled, "so we're pretty close then"

We chatted like that for a while, I learned his favorite flower were tiger lilies, he has a milk allergy, he really likes rain, and his favorite season is fall.

We went back to our stargazing after that. I pulled out a plant glyph and made a flower, slowly picking off the bright pink petals. Edric turned towards me and mumbled softly, "can I show you something?"

I looked back at him and nodded. He sat up straighter with a sad sigh and pulled his sleeve back a little, revealing a small dark blue bracelet with a bright blue teardrop shaped stone.

"What's that?" I asked. "It's a concealment stone, it makes me look better than I actually look, I really only use it when I don't feel like getting ready but I still feel guilty about it"

He slid it off his wrist and dropped it next to him, blue smoke appeared and his hair became messier and a pair of glasses showed up on his nose. He scratched the back of his neck, "sorry, I just felt weird about hiding it, I usually don't tell people"

"I think you look perfect" I blurted. His eyes widened and he whispered and small "thanks". "Can I try it?" I asked. "Uh, sure" Edric mumbled, still not meeting my eyes.

I picked up the small bracelet and as soon as I held it in my palm small blue smoke rose, changing my appearance. I didn't notice anything right away so I guess it's just an external thing.

"How do I look?" I asked. Edric finally looked at me and he stared for a long time, eyes unblinking, not saying a word. My anxiety started to kick in so I quickly tried to pull the bracelet off my wrist.

I think he noticed my panic because he reached forward and grabbed my hand, stopping my attempt. "You look amazing" he said suddenly. I blushed and muttered a small, "thanks"

I pulled the bracelet off, resulting in another round of smoke as I returned to normal. "Here" I said, dropping it next to him. After that we kind of just stared at each other, not knowing what to say but content with not saying anything at all.

Edric suddenly smiled. "What?" I asked. "I just remembered another question" he said proudly. I tilted my head "and what is it?". He moved closer to me and asked, "why do you style your hair like that? With the stand sticking out"

I looked down and the moonlit grass, suddenly struggling to speak. He gave me a worried look, his grin drooping. "When I was younger I saw this old picture of my mother and father. My father looked exactly like me but with round ears and blue eyes" my voice broke.

"In that picture he had his hair like that, with the part sticking out. So I guess I've been subconsciously doing to feel closer to him, because it's the only thing I can." I finished in a small voice as my throat closed up and small tears welled up in my eyes.

I only saw a small glimpse of Edric's pitiful look before he pulled me into a hug. "Sorry" I muttered, "I feel like you've been comforting me a lot lately". He pulled back and gave me a small smile, "I don't mind, I really care about you"

And then I kissed him

It was quick and I pulled away almost instantly. "I'm so sorry" I said, terrified by my actions. I quickly stood up and started backing away. "Hunter, wait!" he said hurriedly.

Tears were now spilling out of my eyes, "I'm so sorry!" I repeated. Then I took off, ignoring his calls for me.

I ran so fast that I could hear my heart beating in my ears. I didn't stop till I was the the edge of the woods, far away from him.

I pressed my back against one of the trees and let myself collapse. I could hardly breath and my face was soaked with tears. I only had one thought before I passed out,

You just ruined everything.

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