I love you

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A gasp escaped his parted lips. He immediately pulled me through the window, his eyes never leaving mine as he did so.

He reached his hands up and held my face, small tears falling from his eyes. "You're actually here" he whispered. "Yeah" was all I could muster with all my emotions swirling inside of me.

He unexpectedly pulled me forward and attached his lips to mine. My eyes shut almost instantly and my hands traveled to his hair, My legs felt as if they could give out at any moment and I needed something to grasp.

"What is going on in here?" A voice screamed from the doorway. Shit, Odalia. We pulled back from each other and both turned to look at the doorway, seeing the fuming women standing there.

She pointed an accusing finger at me, "Everyone said you died! What in the world are you doing here?" She screamed. I took a step back contemplating if it would be worth the broken bones to just jump out the window and get out of here.

I felt Edric's hand grasp mine and I didn't dare look at him. His furious mother turned towards him, "And you! What do you think you are doing, he is supposed to marry your sister! Not you."

"No, I'm not marrying Emira" I said quickly. The green haired women let out an exasperated sigh, "I know the both of you may think you're in love but trust me, give it a few years time and you two won't be able to stand each other. It's easier to live a loveless life. Less expectations and no heartbreak"

Edric's grip on my hand tightened and he started talking "No you're wrong, we both care about each other and nothing will ever change that". I turned my head to look at him and he shot me a warm smile.

"This is ludicrous" Odalia muttered. She raised her gaze and glared at me, "I will be contacting Darius and I will have you sent back". "You can't do that!" Edric yelled, his attention now turned back towards his mother.

She gave a small shake of her head and started off down the hallway. Edric released my hand and stormed over to his closet, throwing it open and furiously things out of it.

"What are you doing?" I whispered after a few seconds of tense silence. "Well I'm not staying here!" He said, clearly irritated. I sat slowly on his bed, "What about your sisters? I can't just take your life away." I muttered, staring at the ground.

He paused and walked to me. He placed a hand on either side of my face and lifted it slightly to meet his gaze, "Hunter Wittebane you are my world".

I felt my face heat up as I let out a shaky laugh, "did it take you six months to think of that?". He let out a small chuckle, "Oh trust me, I've been thinking about what to say to you from the second my eyes lost sight of your carriage."

I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him in for another kiss. It said everything we wanted to and instead of being desperate like the first we were able to take it slow and really know the other's presence.

I felt him smile into the kiss before pulling away, "I love you Hunter". I gazed softly into his shining gold eyes, "I love you too Edric"

(A/N) wow, can't believe I finally finished it. I hope you enjoyed it! I know the ending was a little rushed but I really wanted to get this done by the time I start school so I don't have to worry about it. I want to thank each and every one of you for reading, I might make a few more stories with different Au's, not sure tho. Thank you again for all the amazing support and goodbye.

Royally Rebelling - A Goldric StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora