A Worrying First Impression

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Harry went down to the front entrance five minutes early. Hermione would be proud of him. When he got there, there seemed to be only the female variety of Slytherins hanging about. Harry shrugged it off. He wasn't one to know the popular hang out spots for Slytherins. He wouldn't have guessed the front entrance hall though. Maybe down by the lake, or in the library.

Not wanting to draw attention, Harry stood back by the tapestries and waited. There didn't seem to be any other students joining them, except maybe a few flustered girls from different houses. Harry started getting a bad feeling rolling about in his stomach. Was he in the wrong place? He didn't think so. There were no other 'main entrances' Harry was aware of.

Before he could worry about that too much, something else happened that was far more worrying. Severus Snape stalked through the group of girls to the front door. He didn't open it, and faced them. Well crap.

Snape cleared his throat, and grimaced at all of them. "If I could have your attention,"

The lively chatter that had been going on all around Harry stopped.

Snape continued onward, "I will be your chaperone for this class. As many of you know, this class will not be held on campus. Madame Narcissa has been kind enough to lend us her Winter estate and her teaching services. This opportunity is not to be squandered."

Madame Narcissa, Harry assumed that she must be the professor. Now why did that name ring a bell? But more importantly, this class wasn't going to be on campus? Harry seemed to be the only one out of the loop, because everyone else nodded along like this wasn't news in the slightest.

Snape took their reaction as a cue to continue.

"As per Hogwarts code of conduct, you are not to leave early, get a head start, or 'forget' the time that we leave." He gave them a look that told them he had gotten every one of those excuses multiple times. "Furthermore, you are not to be leaving my sight during the trip. Are we understood?"

Everyone nodded, and muttered various forms of 'yeah'. Harry said nothing and his mind felt rather frozen.

"Good. A few more things before we get started. If you have forgotten or have not received a slip of paper, say so now."

People exchanged looks, and a ripple of whispers passed through the small crowd. Some held up their slips, and others patted their pockets, nodding. Harry semi waved his own parchment. He tried not to move too much or breathe too loudly, lest they all notice him. He had done a remarkable job attracting zero notice so far. Of course, in the end it would be pointless. He was most definitely the odd one out. He could tell he was both the only boy in this class and the only Gryffindor. Not a good combination.

"You will be required to bring those forms to every class. Do not lose them. As for the transportation-" and he went on about some sort of magic bus. Harry, more out of habit than anything else, started to tune him out.

Was this class meant for girls? If so, then why was he here? Last he checked, which had been less than twenty minutes ago, he had guy parts. Objectively, he didn't mind being in a class with only girls. There were some subjects that were primarily girl dominated, and others primarily boy dominated. Somehow he had ended up in one of the girl classes. If anything he might make some new friends. Or enemies, as the majority of the girls were Slytherin.

But this class didn't seem normal. Hair below the shoulders? Hair ribbon? Off campus? Magic bus? It sounded like some sort of sports team going to an away game.

He could recognize some faces. Pansy Parkison, being one of them. The girl had her entire attention focussed on Snape, and the words that Harry was also supposed to be paying attention to. Parkison's back was straight, her smile smug, and her new long hair tied back in a perfect ponytail. She practically radiated pride. Harry self consciously reached up to touch his half-done bun. Merlin, how did she make it look so good? Maybe it was because it was a ponytail and not a bun. Yeah, that was it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2022 ⏰

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