Before the First Class

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  Hogwarts always had a plan for her students.

She didn't know what their genders were, or their histories, or even their names. None of that was important in the broadest scope of things. If it did ever become important, Hogwarts was sure that she'd be able to find out all those things and more, don't you worry sweetie. What mattered to her, was that they were her students and that she was their school. It was the responsibility she was given since birth.

Since birth, she had learned a lot of things, and her own magic had adapted to all of it. New fangled-plumbing but no sewer system? Hogwarts made it so it wasn't an issue. Don't ask how. She doesn't know herself, but she knows that wherever the waste goes, it didn't stay there for long. The same went for classes. If a new class was introduced, Hogwarts would funnel her magic into making everything to the teacher's liking, as the teachers were the most important part of this whole process. And, well, if the teachers were asking her to find students herself that would do marvellously in those classes, who was she to deny them?

Second year had been very exciting for one Harry Potter. With house elf warnings, flying cars, and a new DADA teacher, Harry had already set himself up for a great year.

It was breakfast on the first day, and McGonogall had already handed out all their schedules. Harry chewed rather obnoxiously on a slice of toast while he scanned over his. He expected to find nothing but the usuals. DADA, Transfiguration, Charms, History of Magic, Herbology... everything seemed to be in order. Then he got to the end. There, at the bottom, unmistakably written by Professor McGonagall, were the words Proper Court Etiquette and Happenings, Thursday all day, beginning nine o'clock, ending nineteen o'clock, congregate at the front entrance.

He did the least subtle glance he could at Ron's schedule. There was no such class on his schedule.

Harry cleared his throat. "Hermione..." he ventured.

"Hm?" She did not look up from her schedule.

"Do you have an etiquette class on your list?"

Ron leaned over to peek at Harry's schedule, curious. Ron frowned, and tried to say something that was entirely garbled since he was gnawing on the end of a sausage. Ron stopped himself, swallowed and said. "Never heard of that one mate. New class, maybe?"

Harry shrugged. "'Dunno, Hermione would know I bet,"

They both looked over to Hermione. She was leaning over her schedule, not paying them any mind. It looked as though she were memorising it. Ron and Harry exchanged a glance.

"Uh, Hermione!" Ron called like she was at the other end of the room.

Hermione nearly jumped out of her skin. "God, don't scare me like that." Recovering from her almost near death experience, she focused on them. "What is it then?"

"Harry has some weird rubbish about etiquette on his schedule," Ron said, gesturing towards Harry with his fork, which still had that sausage speared on it.

Hermione frowned. "Care to elaborate on 'weird rubbish about etiquette'?"

Harry shrugged. "The official name is, uh, 'Proper Court Etiquette and Happenings',"

"It's probably just a new program," Hermione waved it off.

"It takes up the entire day though,"

Hermione paused at that. "Really?" Harry nodded, "Let me see it,"

He handed it over, and she looked over it. After a too-long-to-be-good-news-pause, Hermione said, "Well, for one thing, you're going to be missing dinner."

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