Chapter 2

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'·٠•● ●•٠·Kaidou POV'·٠•● ●•٠·

» «I realised that I was staring at H/C-haired boy so I went kinda red because of embarrassment and looked the other way. I'm actually impressed that he did this. Honestly, I was grateful. I really didn't know what to do.» «

» «Finally it was the end of school. I saw that the same boy from earlier was heading to the same direction as I was! Maybe we live in the same street? Should I talk to him? Well, I'll try. I went to his direction, of course kinda nervous.» «

◊- Hi! I, the Jet-Black Wings wanted to say that I see that you have a very big potential in you! - ◊ I said confidently.

◊- Oh! Thank you very much Jet-Black Wings! I think that you're very brave! ◊ - The E/C-eyed boy told me.

» «I looked at him kinda suprised. Normal person would just laugh at me! Does he know Dark Reunion!? I must ask him about him! Wait, what if he is a part of Dark Reunion! I have to be carufel!» «

◊- Oh! Anyway, my name is Y/N L/N. I think that we're neighbors. - ◊ Y/N said.

◊- We are? That's so cool! I'm Shun Kaidou! Or Jet-Black Wings, do you know what Dark Reunion is? - ◊ I asked really excited.

◊- Not really - ◊ He said rubbing his neck.

◊- I know what happened! They probably erased your memory! - ◊ I said.

» «Hmm... I should give him a cool name. I know! He will be now called The Black Wolf! Yeah, I'm sure he'll like it!» «

◊- Don't worry The Black Wolf! I'm sure you'll remember them soon! - ◊ I told him really happy.

◊- I sure hope I do. - ◊ Suddenly L/N stopped. ◊- Well, I have to go home, see you soon! ◊

» «After saying that he opened the door of probably his house and went inside. Before he closed the door he smiled at me and waved. Of course, I immediately waved back. Soon he closed the door. I sighed and went to my house. Actually, I just realised that we really are neighbors! Wow, that's so cool! Because of that I can inform him whenever I want if The Dark Reunion will attack! » «

.:。✿TIME SKIP.:。✿

'·٠•● ●•٠·Y/N POV'·٠•● ●•٠·

» «I closed the door behind me and took off my backpack. After that I did some sandwiches, ate them and started changing myself. I just put on some pijamas, nothing special. After I did everything I went to get a shower. I also brushed my teeth. Finally I was ready to go to sleep. Well, almost, I made my bed and FINALLY I could go to sleep. I took my phone put it on a bedside table and went to sleep. Well, normally I would be on my phone for some time but today I was actually kinda tired so I just wanted to sleep.» «

» «*bzzt* *bzzt* I sighed and turned off my alarm. After that I quickly walked to my wardrobe. I put on my school uniform and left the room. Of course I forgot my phone so I went back to my bedroom to take it. I finally did breakfast for myself and quickly ate it. When I finished I rook my backpack, opened the front door and left my house. I closed the door behind me and locked it.» «

» «Finally, I wast at school. I took off my shoes and put on the other. Then I went to my classroom. I went there and was about to sit in my seat but then someone called me out. I looked behind me to see who it was. Then I saw Kaidou.» «

◊- Hello L/N! How are you? - ◊ A blue-haired boy asked.

◊- Good! How about you? - ◊ I asked happily. 

◊- Well... I'm good, but I had to protect the world from The Dark Reunion, hehe... - ◊ He said confidently.

» «I chuckled, I can't help it! I love this kind of people. They might be kind of childish, but what about it? Is it bad to act like a child? Sometimes it's even better than acting like a serious adult!» «

.:。✿TIME SKIP.:。✿

» «Finally it was time for P.E. I mean, I don't love it, but I don't hate it too. I have neutral feelings towards it.» «

◊- All right, everyone listen up! Today we'll play dodgeball! - ◊ Coach shouted.

» «Soon, almost everybody was whispering how this game is for kids and something like that. Actually I was kind of surprised myself. I mean, I thought that we'll play football or basketball and this kind of sports. But I'm really not complaining. I'm not really strong but I'm fast and slick. » «

◊- Stop complaining! Let's give it all we've got! So what if it's childish? Let's relive the days of our youth! Come on! We'll have a ball! All right? - ◊ Hairo shouted confidently.

» «Suddenly everyone wanted to play dodgeball. Oh wow. I mean, he IS our representative so he should be a rule model but I think they changed their way of thinking too fast.» «

◊- We'll decide teams with rock-paper! - ◊ Teacher yelled.

» «And like that, I ended up in paper team. I was in the same team with Hairo, Saiki and some other dudes. Well, at least Hairo is on my team. Because of that we might win. But in the other hand Nendou looks like he knows what to do. But he is huge so there is a higher change to hit him.» «

» «And the game started. I immediately shook my head and focused on the game so no one will hit me. Suddenly Hairo took out one player. I don't know why but almost everyone on my team was celebrating like we just won million dollars or something. The other thing was Hairo who was already sweating like he just ran the marathon. Like damn, dude, you gotta chill out or else you'll die from exhaustion.» «

» «Now the other team had the ball. They threw it at Saiki. And guess what. It hit him right in the face. He probably just didn't try. I mean, I'm not so surprised. He doesn't look like the type to take that kind of game seriously. And he doesn't look like he would even like sports so he probably wanted to be took off first.» «

◊- Hold it Saiki... Were you actually trying to get hit by that ball?- ◊ Hairo asked on which question Saiki just nodded. - For real? Oh well.

» «After that Saiki was about to leave but then Hairo stopped him.» «

◊- Hey! Where are you going? You're not out. Face safe rule! - ◊ Red-haired boy said happily.

» «Saiki just stood there looking forward blankly. And what a coincidence, it was also his turn to throw the ball. Everyone watched him as he was about to throw it. And then he did. But... Not like everybody expected. He throw it at Nendou REALLY weakly.» «

◊- What the heck was that!? - ◊ Hairo yelled at Saiki.- This game is a serious business! Put some more effort in this!

◊- Hey buddy, I really appreciate you going easy on me, but we're enemies for now. - ◊ Nendou said calmly.

◊- You went easy on him because he's your friend!? - ◊ Hairo shouted obviously angry.

>Well, hello. Actually this chapter will be in 2 parts because it's longer than I thought it would be and I don't have that much motivation right now. And I have good news! I realised that when I'll be riding the bus it will take some time to actually arrive to the place where I'll be going and I'll stay at hotel so there will be some time for myself. Because of that I will have some time to write this! Well, that's all for now, bye~!<


(1320 words)

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