Chapter 1

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'·٠•● ●•٠·Y/N POV'·٠•● ●•٠·

» «I took my backpack and opened the door. It was another day. Yesterday was kinda weird but I'm not complaining. I saw many people walking to school but one of them caught my eye. It was a blue-haired boy with red eyes. I have to admit, he was kinda cute but that's not the point. I think I saw him somewhere else... Oh! I know, I think that's my neighbor. Maybe I should get to know him? I mean, our houses are really close so we can meet whenever we want!» «

» «Finally I was at school. I wonder if something interesting will happen. Well, I didn't need to think about that really long because suddenly someone said something that caught my interest.» «

◊-Did you hear? A poisonous snake escaped! - ◊ Said one guy.

◊-Really? That's dangerous! - ◊ Stated another.

◊-Are you sure it "escaped"? - ◊ I heard someone say.

» «I almost immediately looked behind me. There I saw a blue-haired guy. Oh, I know who he is! But what does he mean? Never mind, I'll just listen.» «

◊-To me, it sounds like another Dark Reunion's lie - ◊ He said confidently. ◊- But they can't fool the Jet-Black Wings! ◊

◊- Someone must have released that snake! - ◊ He stated seriously.

◊ - Wait a minute! You know who did this!? - ◊ Asked a boy probably confused.

◊ - The one who did this is that "Jet-Black Wings" right? - ◊ Asked another guy.

◊- No! I'm the Jet-Black Wings! A secret society called the Dark Reunion is behind it! And this is the first step in their Human Sorting Plan! - ◊ Shouted red eyed teenager.

◊- The Dark Reunion!? - ◊ Almost everyone yelled. ◊- Never heard of them. What a waste of time...

» «...Huh? What was just that? Well, I didn't heard of them neither but it does sounds pretty interesting. I mean, he called himself "Jet-Black Wings" so he probably just made it up. But it doesn't matter to me. Fake or not, still sounds interesting. I think I'll just play along with it.» «

◊- I guess it's up to superheroes. Right, Saiki? - ◊ A boy asked.

» «Soon I decided I'll stop eavesdropping him and Saiki because I think it may be kind of creepy. I sighed and took out my phone. I started surfing the internet. Suddenly someone open the door to the classroom.» «

◊- Hey! I've got good news! They caught the snake! - ◊ Someone said happily.

◊- Oh! Where was it? - ◊ Someone asked.

◊- In front of the gate. - ◊ Responded another. ◊- Apparently it was nearly dead. 

◊- Huh? Why? - ◊ Asked a confused girl.

◊- They say some elementary school kids were messing with it. - ◊ He answered.

» «Aww man... And the fun is over. I hoped it will get spicy, I mean not that I want someone to get hurt, don't get me wrong. I just wanted something interesting to happen.» «

◊- Guess the Dark Reunion isn't a threat after all. - ◊ Someone teased blue-haired boy.

◊- Hey! Be careful, this is a secret society we are talking about! - ◊ Another said jokingly.

◊- Watch yourself or you will be sorted. - ◊ A girl said.

» «Suddenly, almost everybody was laughing. Why? Well, they are probably some "serious adults" who don't know how it is to be a child. I mean, what if he' s 16? It's his life and I honestly think that this side of him is just cute. But it's only my opinion. Well, I didn't laugh at him, nor did I stopped them, but I didn't really like the way they treat him so I just stared at them kinda angry.» «

◊- Go ahead, laugh while you can. It's only a matter of time when Dark Reunion will get you. - ◊ A "weird" guy said. - T-they're coming for us! I-I tried to warn you!

» «I could tell that he's about to cry by his shaky voice at the end. I actually felt kind of bad for him. I mean, he just wants to be the hero and they are all ganging up on him. I mean, what can I do? That's how society works. I saw that Saiki also left the classroom but I didn't really paid attention to that. After a minute or so everyone was screaming. Why? Well, the snake appeared out of someone sleeve and now people are panicking and standing on desks. Well, beside me and some other guy. You might think that I'm really brave or really stupid. Actually I'm none. I just really don't care.» «

◊- What a bunch of dorks! What's wrong? Did you lose your balls? - ◊ A kinda weird looking boy asked.

◊- Nendou! What are you doing!? And actually I would worry about your balls! - ◊ Someone shouted.

◊- Is that so? - ◊ He said confused.

◊- Look! It's biting your balls... - ◊ A guy said.

» «Suddenly Nendou passed out. Oh well, not my problem.» «

◊- Nendou! - ◊ Almost everyone shouted.

» «I was about to say something but then the door to the classroom opened. I quickly looked who did this. I'm not gonna lie, I was kinda shocked.» «

◊- Don't worry everybody! I'll handle this! - ◊ A blue-haired boy shouted.

◊- Kaidou, what are you doing!? - ◊ Someone yelled.

» «Oh, so his name is Kaidou. Good to know. Wait, that's not the time to just zone out.» «

◊- Alright, Murder Dragoram Snake. It's time you face me! The Jet-Black Wings! Let's go.◊ - Then he made a weird pose.

» «I sighted and went to Kaidou. Looking at him.» «

◊- Kaidou, I don't think it's a good idea. - ◊ I said.

◊- W-what are you talking about! Don't worry, I, the Jet-Black Wings will handle this! - ◊ He said confidently.

» «I looked at him with serious look. I knew he's actually really scared. I was about to say something when suddenly something unexpected happened. Snake attacked a girl. Kaidou was about to do something stupid again but I stopped him. I quickly went behind the snake, took it by the neck and unsecured it so it can't do any harm.» «

» «After that suddenly everyone was looking at me. I sighed and pointed at some random guy.» «

◊- Go get a teacher or something, quickly. - ◊ I said seriously.

» «This guy quickly went to get someone. I looked to my left just to see that Kaidou was looking at me in awe. When he realised that I'm looking at me he quickly become kind of red and looked away trying to look like he don't care. I smiled a little, I mean, who wouldn't? He's just cute. Hey, don't get me wrong, just because I think that he's cute doesn't mean that I like him.» «

>Hi! I actually finished this chapter pretty quickly, but don't you think that it's always going to be like that. Actually I'm going on a school trip tomorrow and it's going to last 3 days so I don't know if I'm gonna have time for writing, but I'll try! Well, I think that's all, the only thing I want to say is that if you have any ideas then feel free to tell them! Well, that's all for real, thank you for reading, bye!<


(1227 words)

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