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Okay! So before I start the book I want to tell you guys some basic information. I may add something new to this and if I do I will inform you!

(Y/N) - Your name
(L/N) - Last name
(F/C) - Favourite color
(H/C) - Hair Color
(H/S) - Hair style
(E/C) - Eye Color

Okay, now that we're done with that I'll tell you some basic information about our main character~.

Name: Y/N
Last name: L/N
Age: 16
Height: 165 (I'm sorry for whose height isn't similiar to this but- I just don't want Kaidou to be much smaller or bigger than (Y/N).)
Quote: "I really don't care what others think of you. I still think you're cute"
Personality: (Y/N) is kinda funny, sarcastic and sometimes rude. If he finds someone cute then he just flirts. 

Okay~ So I think it's that for this. Anyways, you can call me: "Author-san", "Sho" and I don't know what else :'D. i actually don't know how quickly I will upload, it actually depends on my motivation I guess- 

If you want to know how long the chapters will be then- I think taht prologue will be shorter than the rest of chapters. That's really the only thing I know- well there is actually one more. The chapters are probably gonna have at least 500-1000 words because when I start writing then for some time I just can't stop. Anyways, I think taht's all for now. See you later~!

~Sho~ -231 words-

The One - Kaidou Shun x Male! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now