Secrets In The Book

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A devilish smile spreads across the entity's face as he appears in the interior of his righthand man's house. He couldn't help but laugh at how easy it was to sneak into someone else's home. He doesn't even need to get a key to get inside, and who leaves their lights off in the evening anyways?

The Devil doesn't come to King Dice's house all that often since he is always cooped up in hell. He would rather be surrounded in a bundle of fire to keep him cozy when sitting in his throne room than go outside and feel the sun on his skin. But, it shouldn't be hard to find his servant's sleeping corders. All the creature had to do was rely on his intuition.

In fact, his instincts are telling him all there needs to know about the house. While it doesn't have any words to speak, or have some form of telepathy to communicate with him, the Devil can easily sense the spiritual essences of King Dice's soul, almost as if he had a sixth sense. With this, he is able to understand who was in the surrounding area before him. But it happens to fade away after some time, making it hard for the devil to track down anyone. But King Dice has been in his house most of his life, so the lingering feeling that is coursing through his body won't go away anytime soon.

But it's not just his lackey's presence he felt before. There is one more. A sliver of a fresh, but entirely new spirit, and it makes him cringe. He feels no charisma, no enthusiasm. Only a small speck of the characteristics of another person. One of them being different feeling that made the hairs on the back of his neck stand up: affection.

There's no doubt about it, this woman that King Dice was going out with came to his house a while ago, probably two or three days ago. It's disgusting, having to catch the faint signature of the pest that is in the way of hell's ruler.

Unfortunately, this is not what the Devil has come to his servant's house to do. He's got his own duties to fulfill. Nobody can catch a glimpse of the demon with the darkness surrounding him through the windows. Like an old friend, the shadows conceal him to aid him in his quest.

Once his eyes adjust to the darkness, the Devil carefully examines every part of the house. He makes his way up the stairs, finding that the dice headed man's essence is getting stronger. His eye lock onto a lavender colored door. With the turn of the doorknob, he enters the bedroom with a hard swing of the door. His hand reaches over to a light switch, and with a flick of a finger, the room illuminates.

The room is the only thing in the house that the Devil remembers. He can never forget the pictures of the man on the wall, or the decorative dice-patterned sheets over a purple king-sized bed. It's disappointing that there is barely a window for the moonlight to shine through. But it doesn't matter right now.

The demon searches through every nook and cranny of the dorm, from the closet of King Dice's collection of suits and shoes to the bottom of where every children's nightmares manifests before the child goes to sleep. Wherever he checks, he couldn't find what he was looking for.

Finally, he looks inside the drawer's of his servant's nightstand. A breath of delight reaches his chest once he spots the object he was searching for this whole time: King Dice's diary.

The Devil believed that diaries are for little girls only. But he had a hunch that the man would keep this book of secrecy in his possession. His flamboyancy gives off such an impression that it led up to this fact.

Oh, how he refuses to stop smiling the moment his hands caress the book. What sort of dirty secrets has King Dice locked up in it? The possibilities are endless. With adrenaline rushing through his veins, he slams the drawer shut, and a snap of his fingers cuts the power down to the last spark.

"I regret nothing." He whispered.

Summoning his trident once more, he jabs his weapon to the fluffy carpets that is covering the floor of King Dice's room as the Devil disappears in a charring cloud of smoke, leaving the bedroom in pitch-black silence.

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