Chapter 19: Marcy Visits!!

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Sorry if the updates late I just lost my 185 day Duolingo streak and cried for an hour about it. I'm not joking it was really sad. I'm actually still crying while writing this. 😭😭😭 Also, if for some absolutely insane reason you haven't watched mean girls yet, there are slight spoilers.

Anne and Sasha sat side by side at the airport anxiously awaiting Marcy's arrival. Their moms, who had driven them both there at 6 am in the morning, had found the coffee bar, and decided that's what their pay checks were going towards that week.
Marcy's plane was due to land around 6:30.

It was 6:35, and Anne was freaking out.

"What if it crashed!? What if the pilot passed out and then Marcy had to drive it herself!? What if she died!!??"
Sasha took hold of her shoulders.
"Anne, this isn't the ding dang Bee Movie. Marcy is FINNE. It's literally just a five minute delay. Chilll."

Anne's leg bounced up and down in the chair.
"I'm just SOOO EXCITED! It's been months! We have so much to tell her! OMG! How are you gonna come out to her!?!? Ok ok we should make a sign, I knew I brought my crayola jumbo crayons for a reason..."

Sasha rubbed her neck as Anne rummaged through her bag for them.
"Anne... she kinda sorta already knows."
Anne dropped her crayola jumbo crayons.
"wHAT!? wHEN!?"
"We FaceTimed."
"wHAT!? wHEN!?"
"I don't know-"

Suddenly there was a squeal from about ten meters away.
Anne and Sasha stood up.
Marcy bolted towards them, dropping her luggage and tripping over it.
"Oh my god oh my god MARCY!" Sasha cried running to catch her.

"HI GUYS!" Marcy cried, ignoring the fact that she just face planted at an airport.

"MARBLES!!" The two said and they all embraced.
Marcy gathered her stuff and after one final cup of coffee, Anne and Sasha's moms came to take her luggage.

"Jeez Mar Mar how much did you pack for two days!?"
Marcy chuckled.
"I need proof of my adventures don't I?"
Suddenly Anne gasped.
"Omg what was your surprise that you wouldn't tell me!?!?"
"Wait What!? What surprise!?" Sasha said.
Marcy giggled.
"All in good time, my dudes, all in good time..."

The three of them got into Mrs Bs car. Sasha's mom sat in passenger and Marcy sat in the middle of course.

"Ok so when the plane was landing," Anne said "did you happen to see a giant yellow flower of bees."
"Oh my lord-"
"What like in the bee movie? Nah but I did see a snake."
Sasha nearly died.
"In a tree on my bus ride to the San Fransisco airport."
"That's whack." Anne said. "Now what's your surprise!?"
Marcy sighed.
"I'll tell you when I can show you what's in my suitcase."
"Oh my god did you bring it with you? OH MY GOD IS IT THE SNAKE!?!?" Sasha cried.
Anne laughed.
"What is your deal with snakes, sash."
Sasha blushed and did not miss the way that Marcy smiled at her, demonically, her eyebrows wriggling.
"UHM SO mArcy, is there any good Thai places in San Fransisco?"

Mrs B cut in.
"No matter how good the Thai food is there Marcy, never forget that Thai Go will always be the best."

They finally arrived at Marcy's Grandmas house. Her grandma was awake and had cooked a raspberry pie and made coffee for the adults, not that they needed any more.

Marcy quickly unpacked and then dragged Anne and Sasha to her room.

"Okay you two, hold onto your socks."
She pulled out a shoebox covered in stickers.
Sasha squinted and Anne tilted her head.

"Marbles what exactly am I looking at?"
Marcy opened the box to reveal hundreds of photos.

"Oh my god! Are these your knew friends? OH OH that girl in the moon boot— that's lori right!?"
Anne looked between Sasha and Marcy.
"Who's lori!?"
"Omg you guys I have so much to tell you but first..." Marcy dug around in the box until she finally pulled out a Polaroid of a girl with long auburn hair, green eyes and a bunch of freckles.

"Meet my girlfriend, Willow!"

There was shocked silence.
"" Anne squealed jumping up.
Sasha's jaw dropped.
"your JOKING!" She cried, incredulously.
"I'm not." Marcy said smiling. Sasha jumped up as well.

For the next hour, Marcy answered questions and told stories about Willow.

"And that's when she kissed me."
Anne fell to the floor dramatically.
"Oh my DAYS marbles that is SO ROMANTIC. When I get married, it better go something like that."
Sasha thought about how Anne would look, wearing all white, in a wedding dress with a veil, and couldn't help but blush furiously. Marcy smirked slightly.

"I don't think that would go very well Anne. We were fighting when she kissed me."
Anne just squealed.
"Oh my GOD Mar Mar every time you say it, it just gives me shivers!! I cannot believe you've had your FIRST KISS AHH!"

"Wait a minute... does that mean that Marcy is the first one of us to have a first kiss!?" Sasha said almost in disbelief.
Marcy thought about it for a minute.

"Uhh no actually, what about you Sash?"
She looked at Marcy in utter shock.
"...what. When!?"
"In first grade when you kissed Sam Wilson in kiss chasey-"
"OH MY GOD that doesn't count."
"Why not?" Anne asked.
"BECAUSE it was in kiss chasey."
"Yeah but it's still a kiss."
"No. Nope. Nuh uh. My first kiss will not be with Sam Wilson. That does not count."
Anne smirked.

"Oh. I understand now."
Sasha have her a weird look.
Marcy chimed in by saying.
"Ohh I think I know."
Anne cupped her ear and whispered into it. Sasha groaned.
"Oh my god guys what is it."
Marcy and Anne giggled, making Sasha's face turn red.
"What we're you guys talking about?"
"Oh you know... how you want your first kiss to be with you know who." Anne said deviously. Sasha blushed and rolled her eyes.

Marcy giggled.
"Yep I knew it Anne. She's bright red."
Sasha got up and said
"I'm getting snacks."

As she walked to the kitchen, she felt almost angry. Marcy was literally teasing her in front of Anne about liking her!
No don't think like that. Marcy is here and you haven't spoken to her in months. Make the most of this!
She grabbed a bag of popcorn and went back into Marcy's room as they decided to pick a movie to watch.


Three hours had passed. They were now watching Mean Girls, and were up to the part where they were all attacking each other. Marcy had fallen asleep so it was just Anne and Sasha, but they had both watched the movie so many times that they just chatted about random stuff.

"Should we wake her up?" Anne said. "She's only gonna be here for one more day I wanna make the most of it."
"Nah let her sleep. I'd rather not have her teasing me." Sasha said, throwing a handful of popcorn into her mouth.
"Sorry about that by the way."
"No no I was joking I'm not actually mad."
" can have your first kiss with whoever you want Y'know."
"Yeah I know."
"And I know a bunch of boys that like you if you want like practice or something."
"Yeah? Like who?"
"Uhm... Ben, you know, in Siennas PE class, Finn, James, Harry, Isaac, Will F and some weird Fortnite kid that I forgot the name of."
Sasha chuckled.

"Nah. But why would I need practice? I reckon I'm already pretty good at it."
"Yeah I mean you probably are but what if your first kiss is like on your wedding day and your at the alter and you kiss your wife and she's like 'oh never mind your a bad kisser.'"

Sasha let out a genuine laugh, making Anne blush.
"That won't happen I'm sure I'll have my first kiss before then. But I don't want my first girlfriend to think that I'm a shit kisser."
She sighed.

"You could practice then."
"Anne I don't want to practice kissing Henry or Harry or whatever-"
"Not on them on me."

I'm still crying about it. I spent like 7 months on that streak. 😭

sashanne .:. id rather be me with you <3Where stories live. Discover now