Chapter Four: Annes POV/Sasha Has A Gay Realisation

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Anne walked into History, feeling bad about what happened with Amy and how she didn't help out more. Upon their arrival to school, Sasha seemed especially upset.

Annes teacher, Mr Bryn turned his attention to her as she entered.
"Aah Anne, just in time for the roll call!"
Anne looked at him confused
"Aren't you mad that I'm late?"
Mr Bryn laughed "I'm sure you have a good reason. After all, I don't think that two months is nearly enough time for you to recover from all of... that."
Anne grinned. Mr Bryn was her favourite teacher for a reason. Even though he would often have to talk to her about goofing off.
"Why thank you teach." Anne said playfully as she took a seat next to Gabby.

"Okay class as I was saying-" suddenly there was a smash and loud screams scattered around the classroom. Anne assumed the worst of course and reached for her sword, before realising it wasn't there. Thankfully before she began to panic, she saw a kid behind her, called James, covered in water.
"Sorry sir, I knocked over my water bottle... and it broke. Whoops."
Mr Bryn chuckled. "It's fine James. Lucas, go with him to dry off. Gabby, can you and Anne please go get some paper towels?"

And so off Anne went with Gabby.
"Okay I'm trying to be respectful because I'm very sure you went through a lot of traumatic shit" (cue Marcy getting stabbed scene and cat god scene-) "but I seriously NEED TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENED WHILE YOU WERE IN- uhm Fogtopia? I forgot what the News guy said-" Gabby suddenly blurted out. Anne chuckled. "It's called Amphibia and sure I can tell you about it. Ok so I woke up in these woods..."

"Let me guess- it tries to eat you?" Gabby said quizzically. Anne laughed.
"No actually it took the Grub hog."
"Oh phEW. But what about Sprigs family glory?"
"I made a sock puppet and pretended to be the grub hog!"
"Awww that's so wholesome!!"
"But then they tried to cut off my arm-"
"HOLY BEJESUS- cannibals!?"
"No they're not cannibals because they'd have to eat other frogs to be cannibals. But I did run into some cannibal toads..."
"Okay! That's enough wacky stories for me!" Gabby said throwing her hands up in defence.
"We should probably hurry and get back."
Anne said, walking faster down the hallway Gabby ran after her and as they were about to round a corner they heard a loud bang and cursing.
"Eek! Oh my god what was that!?" Anne said. Gabby chuckled "don't worry James probably dropped his phone or something." They both bent over laughing as they rounded the corner and froze.

It was quite a sight to take in.
Sasha stood there in front of her locker with her hood up. Her face looked like she had just been caught red handed doing something she shouldn't have and her cheeks were red and tear stained. On more pressing matters, her entire right hand was covered in blood, making Anne shiver.
"S-sash your hand..." She managed to mumble before looking at Sasha's locker. It had a huge hole in it. And the hole had blood on it. That could only mean-
Anne spun her head back to look at Sasha to see that she was trying to hold back tears, even though it was clearly too late and then, she ran away, before Anne could even react.

"SASHA WAIT!" Anne cried, shoving the paper towels into Gabby's arms (who was still trying to process everything) and nearly tripped over herself running down the hall. Anne finally burst out the door to see that Sasha was gone.
"Fuck.." Anne spat, letting a single tear roll down her cheek "why won't you just talk to me.." she whispered sobbing quietly into her hands. Gabby, who had dropped all the paper towels, ran up and hugged Anne.
"Don't worry it's ok she'll be ok..."
"No she won't she's bleeding and crying and GOD knows what else.. I'm just..." Anne felt her cheeks go slightly red "I need her to know that I'm here for her." She sighed.
Gabby smiled "don't worry... look what I found."

She handed Anne a phone. But not just any phone. The peach coloured phone case, that unique crack in the screen, the name of the Spotify playlist, which was literally 'proof that sasha rules >:p'. Anne shakily pressed the home button to reveal the wallpaper to be a selfie of her, Sasha and Marcy in amphibia, plus Grime, who clearly did not understand the concept of 'smile.' It was Sasha's phone. Anne needed to know that Sasha felt safe, that she wasn't... hurting herself. So, in case of a disaster, Anne hesitantly pressed settings and tapped on 'add fingerprint.'

"Alright Sasha." Anne said "If you won't tell me what's wrong, I guess I'll just have to find out myself..."

jokes you thought
Sasha's pov let's go

Sasha glanced around her surroundings, trying to get some idea of where she was before she passed out from thirst, exhaustion and searing pain. Suddenly, her eyes fell on a logo that she knew too well.
Thai Go.
During Sasha's parents divorce, Annes treated her like their own. She even preferred them to her own. She would always talk to Mrs Boonchuy about her problems, and receive amazing advice. And Mr Boonchuy was always down for anything to cheer her up. So Sasha dragged her exhausted body into the restaurant.

She collapsed into the stool at the front counter with her head in her hands waiting for one of Anne's parents to come out from the kitchen. Thankfully, it was Mrs Boonchuy who came out first. Anne's dad couldn't give advice to save his life.
"Hello welcome to Thai Go- Sasha! What a nice surprise! How are you?"
Sasha beamed. She loved this woman. That reminded her suddenly, of why she was here.
"Hey Mrs B. I've had a pretty bad day if I'm being honest."
Mrs B came and sat down opposite Sasha and took her hand in hers.
"What's wrong honey?"
"Well..." Sasha's face suddenly went red. "You see uhm there's this uhm... person i know." Sasha looked down and started fiddling with her hoodie strings. Mrs B smirked. She knew where this was going.
"Yes, tell me more about this person."
Sasha's red face deepened.
"Well I uh.. I've known them for a while and we've always been pretty close. But recently I've been kind of... I've felt-" Sasha gulped. She needed another opinion on this, because she was desperately trying to find some other reason as to why she was acting like this around Anne.
"You have a crush on this person don't you?"
Mrs B said wiggling her eyebrows. Sasha nearly died. "I absolutely do NOT have a crush on this person!" Sasha whisper screamed, almost aggressively. Mrs B just smiled and nodded.
"Okay, okay..."
"So I've just been feeling kind of... differently about them. And my face keep's getting hot around them and I keep saying weird things and's stupid I know-"
Mrs B grabbed both of Sasha's hands.
"Sasha, honey, it is not stupid at all. But I think that you know that you have a crush on this person, and you can either keep denying and ruin your friendship, or you can accept it and just tell him how you feel."
Sasha froze up. him. She wanted to cry. She just nodded slowly and sighed, resting her chin her hand.
"Thanks Mrs B."
"Anytime. Now is there anything else you want advice on before you- OH MY LORD YOUR HAND!" Mrs B screamed looking down at her hand.
"Oh shoot I forgot about that." Sasha said.
"No time honey come with me now!"
Anne's mom pulled Sasha to the back room into their bathroom, where Mrs B pulled out a hidden first aid kit and began to clean the wound.
"Does it hurt much?"
"No not really."
Mrs B finished cleaning and bandaged up her hand. Then for maybe five minutes the two sat in comfortable silence. Until Sasha finally summoned up enough courage to say something.
"Hey, uhm Mrs B, you know this uhm... 'boy' that I apparently have a crush on?" Sasha said hesitantly.
"Yes are you going to tell me his na-?"
"It's a girl." Sasha blurted out squeezing her eyes shut and covering her face with her hands, waiting for a reaction.
Suddenly, she was pulled into a tight hug. Sasha's eyes began to tear up as she heard Mrs B say "I love you so much Sasha."
Sasha hugged her back, sobbing uncontrollably. This is what she wanted. This is what she needed.




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