Chapter 19: Break down

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To me, you are the world.

TRIGGER WARNING ⚠️ : mentions of sexual assault, abuse and torture throughout the chapter.


Caleb chuckled and shook his head, "What? There's no Sparklemuffin here! This is all just a dream whooo! Awhooo!" He waved his arms around sporadically and I facepalmed.

"Caleb, just take Sparklemuffin outside." Zack groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose, "Bring him inside ever again and it's a one-way ticket to the animal shelter."

Caleb gasped, clutching his chest. "YOU WOULDN'T!"

Zack glared and aggressively chewed and swallowed his pasta. "Try me."

"Tell him guys! Tell him that Sparklemuffin deserves a safe home just as much as we do!" Caleb cried out.

"Shut up, we're trying to watch the series," Nick grumbled.

"Caleb, you should take Sparklemuffin to the shed. I mean, that is why we built it right?"

"Yeah Caleb, you should listen to Arya," Zack declared smugly.

In sync, our eyes widened and our jaws dropped and we turned to face Arya.

"What?" Her voice was hoarse, but it held the same sarcasm, "Never heard a girl talk before?"

Issac squealed- squealed!- and launched himself at Arya. "YOU CAN TALK AGAIN!" He froze midair, muscles tensed, "Wait, can I hug you?" She nodded and he wrapped his arms around her, shoulders shaking from laughter that quickly turned to tears.

"I've really missed you," he whispered something else so quietly I knew he only wanted Arya to hear.

She smiled and nodded in response and he pulled away, wiping his eyes.

"Sorry," Zack mumbled gruffly, "it's the allergies."

"Yeah they really suck," I forced out, a large lump formed in my throat. I tugged Arya's hand and hugged her tightly. "I've really really missed you Skittle."

"I've missed me too, Kit." She replied hoarsely.

"Okay now it's my turn!" Caleb whined. Arya laughed and hugged him too and his face lit up like a Christmas tree. They quickly chatted about some book they'd read and then Arya turned to Ethan.

She stood and marched over to him, arms raised. "Hug."



"How about a quick fist bump instead?"

"Hug." Arya wrapped her arms around him tightly. Ethan awkwardly patted her back, a tiny smile on his face. The hug looked stiff and cold, but neither of them seemed to care.

Taking a shaky breath, Arya sat down and turned to us. She bit her bottom lip and fiddled with her fingers nervously, drumming it against her against the armrest, pushing a lock of hair behind her ear or picking at the dead skin around her nails. "Um... I think... I think that I m ready to talk about- about what happened."

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