Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Deacon's POV

I drove my fist into the heavy bag, swinging it more than I anticipated. I didn't stop the next two punches, pushing the bag away from me with force. I thought about Fia. How she could deny me so easily. How angry that fact made me. She was mine, Goddess gifted. It was rare that our Goddess worked with the fates to create matches. And that is what Fia and I were. A match. The bag broke from its strap, falling to the floor with a thump. I was punching harder than I thought.

"Rough day?" Hale walked in, wrapping his hands to join me. I pulled my fists free of the gloves, pushing back my sweaty hair.

"Rough week." I corrected. He smirked.

"Have anything to do with your little Demon?" He asked knowingly. Hale was a good guy, different than his Alpha. Not that Cain wasn't good, he just had his moments. That and my parents didn't approve of that friendship. But Hale they didn't mind. He always respected my mother as Peacekeeper, treated her with grace.

"She's not mine." I spoke under my breath. If Fia was going to reject me, I'd show her what she's missing. I promised her a game. Maybe a romantic partner isn't what she wants from me. But what of a friend? With innocent intentions.

"She's coming for an interview at Affinity tomorrow." He told me cautiously. I turned to him with narrowed eyes.

"You're hiring her?" My jaw went rigid at the thought.

"Just an interview Deacon." He assured.

"She shouldn't be crossing pack land." I discouraged the idea all together.

"And why's that? You don't trust us with a Demon you say you have no claim on?" He prodded me.

"She needs to focus on school." I reared the conversation in a different direction. He chuckled.

"Yes and she also needs to afford living." He slipped his gloves on, nearing a bag.

"She needs money?" I cocked my head at him. He nodded.

"Seems like it. And she's pretty, she'll be good eye candy for the customers." He glanced with a wink. Before he could hit the bag I lunged for him, fisting the back of his shirt and slamming him into the concrete floor.

He looked surprised but not at all hurt. The twisted turn in my face only made him smile as I wrapped my hand over his throat.

"You sure she's not yours?" He chuckled as I weakened his air supply.

"She will not just be something to look at for your club Hale. She is a person." I seethed. He chuckled.

"Says the man that fucks girls before asking their names." He shot back at me. I drew my fist back, ready to crush his face into the dirty floor.

"Deacon I'm just trying to rile you up." He defended. Lifting his hand to my fist.

"Why do such a stupid thing?" I was still angry with his words, and on my land of all places.

"Because she's your mate. And I want to hear you admit that." He held my gaze, coaxing me out of my anger. I let my wolf recede.

"She needs money. I need a waitress. It's only weekends. You can come and sit in on her shifts. If anything I'm doing you a favor. You'll know exactly where she is on weekends." He tried to shine light on the prospect of her working there. I released him as the rest of the guys were making their way inside. We boxed together on Wednesday's. But I wasn't feeling much up to socializing.


"Nolan!" I yelled his name, walking through the hall leading to his quarters. He didn't respond so I let myself through the heavy doors.

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