👀(._.')Blind eyes but discerning emotions( '・・)👀

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The next day in -

Painter Paradise

Riddhima was having a sound sleep on the beautifully decorated bed after a long time.

Kamna entered the room

She saw Riddhima who was looking like an angel baby while sleeping.

Her face was glowing luminously in the first sunlight .

Kamna went near the bed and tried to woke her up.

But Riddhima was in very deep sleep didn't respond to her whoop.

Kamna sat on the edge of the bed and slowly started raffling Riddhima's hair.

Riddhima snuggled to her touch because this kind of gesture she never got in her orphan life.

After perpetually calling her for 5 minutes Riddhima become to wide awake.

Kamna said "Riddhima ,please get up quickly."

"We need to go to the hospital for your check-up."

Riddhima said "Today after so many years I got this much peaceful sleep."

"Even though I become blind but I think it's a positive side too. "

"Now I don't have to see this wicked world which has give me nothing but unendurable pain.''


(I close my eyes to find a place
In different time and different space
And in imagination find
A cloistered arbour for my mind
Where thought may there be unconfined

Then in my dreams a path I take
As in a trance, yet wide awake,
To see the world with open eyes
Its glist'ning sands and azure skies -
I take a walk through Paradise

Suspended there reflecting deep
Where time is lost, immersed in sleep,
A sleep of ages long since passed
As on the sea of change were cast
All things which then were reckoned fast

Above all earthly cares to soar
Beyond the hurts I there endure
To see a sweet and perfect land
Where sunbeams dance upon my hand -
Where peace and love I understand

And there before my eyes I see
Such beauty that could never be
Revealed in places fixed below
As set before me all aglow
Such wonders ever outward flow

So on I walk beyond the veil
Where joys untold yet e'er prevail
And through the mist of blindness see
Whatever be revealed to me -
In Paradise forever be

Writer - Valerie Dohren)

(Tell me, did you guys liked this poem?)

Her face become puny. So kamna thought to cheer her up.

Kamna took Riddhima's hand in her and asked soothingly ''Riddhima ,your name is a little big. so can I call you Riddhu?"

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