Chapter 6: [UPDATED] Cracks Forming

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Reed POV:

While I do feel guilt for literally buying 2 cat say they aren't helpful would be straight up lying.

We got our dorm room all freshened up and it's looking pretty cozy! There ended up being an extra bed since there's only 3 of us but I'm sure we could figure something out with that.

Kali: "So, uh, Mister Reed. We finished our task. What's next for us?"

Shit. I kinda wanted to just sleep for a bit. I woke up earlier then normal and my little breakdown from the bullhead made me a bit tired. Though I suppose a walk through the school and exploring it for myself wouldn't be a terrible idea.

Reed: "Let's explore around the school. I know Ozpin and Glynda gave us a tour but if we're to be living here for a while then we should get situated and figure out where things are."

Blake: "A-And you want us to come with you?"

Reed: "Why not? You have your disguises. Besides, I don't think anyone here would even report you if you were caught. If you're with me, they won't do anything."

Both the Faunus look at me, then each other, then back to me before finally nodding.

Kali/Blake: "Yes Mister Reed."

We exit our room without locking it so we can still get in later and head through the hallways. I hear someone's stomach grumble...I turn around and see Blake with a flushed face.

Reed: "...when was the last time you ate?"

Blake: "...2 days ago..."

What?! I need to get them some food, now! I think Ozpin has us marked as a family friend or something for the staff. Telling the students that we're "students" is one thing but I don't plan on getting scolded by teachers when we aren't actual students.

Reed: "The cafeteria sounds good then. Let's get you and Kali something good to eat. I don't want to imagine the sludge the people in the facilities gave you."
We enter the cafeteria and I find a table near the lunch lady. I have them both sit down and I quickly make my way to the lunch lady.

Reed: "Hey! We're special guests from Ozpin, some family friend business. My two friends over there haven't eaten since yesterday. Could we get something?"

Lunch Lady: "Yesterday? Huh. Alright, gimme a sec."

I sit there and wait while she basically disappears from behind the counter.


Oh no. That's not the lunch bell is it?

I look through the main doorway and see some students already making their way over.

Shit! C'mon lady hurry it up...!

Lady: "Here you go sweetheart. Hope you'll enjoy your stay at Beacon."

She drops the trays off and heads back into the kitchen to get ready for the waves of students. I grab the trays and head back to our table. even on these trays? I can tell some of the stuff is fruits am I that much of an outsider?

Reed: "Here. I have another task for you. You can eat and listen at the same time."

Once the trays are put in front of them, I swear I see their eyes light up like they're looking down at their prey.

Kali: "F-For us?"

Reed: "Why would you think I brought you here? To make you think you were eating? No. You can eat now."

RWBY: Chains of Society (Blake Belladonna x M!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now