5:25 (Her)

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She killed Jeff. Right after killing the host of the party, she went at the back and climb the water tank. She climbed it with a bag behind her carrying a carton of acetone. She open the lid and pour the carton of acetone inside. The Acetone mixed well with water making it not obvious because in science, they are miscible to each other. Acetone is dangerous when played with fire, and guess who's going to throw a flame by 5:30? Yes, She is going to burn everything.  

She got climbed down from the water tank like nothing happened. She brushed her head to the side and walked inside the the house. The house looks safe from fire as it has fire alarms and with a fire sprinkler on the ceilings. But it won't prevent death.

The attention of the people were turned to her. Aside from the act that she is wearing a black shirt with a word 'boom' printed on it, a black pair of jeans, and black converse shoes. She is different from the crowd who are wearing a various mix of bright color. Not only because of her fashion appearance but also her physical appearance bothered her.

"Sweetheart, this isn't a funeral." A girl named Regina told her teasingly. The girl smiled like Regina's word did not bother her.

"Maybe. Maybe not." She just replied and walked away. Before getting away from the sight of the mean girl, she saw her mouth dubbing the words, 'dumb'.

All the people here makes her sick. All the people here were her grief. All the people here were the problem. She would never wonder why would they receive those letters. They are ignorant and insensitive. Nothing much happened next year? Let me tell you this, her sister died because of us last year.

Gina Lennings as she would introduce herself is the younger sister of the deceased, Cath Lennings and Jack Lennings. Suicide crossed her mind that she thinks of taking those pills that are left from Cath. She was about to swallow everything down but right after the pills could enter the mouth, she thought of something. She thought that it will be not worth it. She thought that it will not bring significance. She thought that it will not be fair for herself to kill herself, just because she received the letter. However, she finds it fair if she killed everyone who received the letter. Tracking the one's who received her sister's letter was a hard work. But hacking Jeff's Facebook account made the spider web complete. She might have found out all who received the letter but not all. But she thought of that emptiness as a something like an anonymous identity or maybe something that refers to something or everyone. She hacked Jeff's account as she claims back all the invitation and invites only the ones who received her sister's letter.

Killing Leraine was her first move as it would get Jeff's attention due to their kind of love affair. Jeff would be dazzle making it his kind of weakness and her strength. 

She was all alone with her plan but it feels like her sister is there and helping her. She may not see her but she feels her because they stream the same blood all over their veins.

She looks at her watch as the time reads 5:27. She plans to start the party at 5:30. Why is 5:30 such a big significance? Well death is a five letter word. And the reason of her sister's death is because of thirty people.

She goes to the speaker and the next thing she does, splash a pitcher of alcohol cranberry juice in the sound system, making the sounds annoying and buggy, and eventually dead. The crowd was silenced but later on, they were boo-ing her while she's walking upstairs. In the middle of the staircases, she stopped.

"Pfft little party pooper! Did Jeff even invited you?!" Said the lady named Violet said and they laughed.

A camera flashed at her. A girl named Britanny pictured her through her apple cellular phone. "This is gonna trend, I swear!" She said and captioned the photo of Gina, "Lol desperate minor breaks in. So scary but sorry not sorry. #Minorproblems."

"Today is the birthday of my sister, Cath Lennings!" She shouted with full range.

"I bet they don't sell pills in hell!" A man named Jax said that get the crowd laughing. 

"Haven't you wondered why there aren't many people in this party?" She said and smiled. "Because for the record, I am the real host of this party not Jeff. Jeff is just my puppet that he does not know. I used his account to gather us all here. You all received the letters from my sister. You are all to be blamed for my sister's death!" She said. Some of them are holding their laughs while some are bowing down because of the shame. "I could have a perfect life now with my sister but she took herself out because of these 30 people! You are all pathetic! You are all hypocrites to think that someone's misery is something to be laughed at!"

"Watch your mouth, kiddo. You don't know anything about high school nor what really happened!" A guy named Cody said.

"I don't expect to know everything because I know it already. You called her names, you made her a victim of your laughstock, you made her a fool and lastly, you made her feel so alone that heaven would be her only resort. You are all expected to listen and stop... but don't you all really got it do you?" She said and her watch alarms. Time check: 5:30.

"It's already 5:30 and the party is just getting started." She said making the crowd confused. From her pockets, she grabbed a red lighter. Without everyone knowing her move, she continued successfully. She throws the lighter into one of the curtains making the flame spread fast because of the curtain's fabric. The fire alarm detected the flames. The fire alarm rings. The fire sprinkler was activated. And when the water mixed with acetone meets the fire, there came a boom. 

There was a huge explosion.

And everything went according to Gina's plan.

Gina picked this plan not because it was a perfect suicide plan nor because she is one of the 30 people who received her sister's letter, it is because it would a perfect gift for her sister, to give back all the sufferings her sister gained to the ones who gave her pain.

I killed everyone, including me.

Author's note:

Sorrry if this kind of suckkkk. I kind of suck at writing endings. Some of you might find it violent for a 10 year old kid to kill. The truth is that Gina is just plain sad and seeks revenge here. It's a typical immature act, after all Gina is just a minor yet. I'm not underestimating minors of how they thinking but we all experience putting our emotions first before finding a right way of solution. Gina with a not mature mind yet, put her emotions first of how unfair her sister dies.

It's kind of hard to explain so I'm sorry for the confusions but I do hope you get my point hahaha (even though you did not). So yeah, since I am done with this I would like to address my outmost adoration for xxstoptryingxx. For she give readers some comfort that they are not the only one. She gave a story that everyone can relate especially with the pressures of being a teenager. Youth is a one-time offer so I guess we better shape things up right. So if we see something wrong and bothering then we should never be afraid to speak up: that is what I kinda learn from her story.

Sooooo I hope you enjoy and I'll see you on my other storiess :)

5:30 [ 30 Reasons to Die: xxstoptryingxx's one shot contest ]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ