4:34 (Leraine)

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"Be safe!" My math tutor told me as I walked out of the library. I just nod at her and wave her goodbye before reaching the exit.

I proceeded to the bathroom to put make-up on before going to Jeff's party. During Asian History, I would sit next to Jeff. Aside the fact that he is hot and great in history, we also share the same thought about Cath Lennings's nonsense death. He was one of the thirty people to receive the fat slut's letter.

So it's not true that this boy loved the bulimic bitch. Wait, not all of the letters are true. She's just making some fuss. She just want sympathy.

She expects high school to be some kind of neverland-full of fucking rainbow- utopia fantasy. And that is not true, sissy.

7×8 is 56 and 8×7 is 63 so who's stupid now, huh?

I took a glance at the last stall where she was found dead, overdosed with pills. My spine begins to tingle. The stall's door was open and my mind is starting hallucinating images of her dead in that spot. Then the door closed. It may be the wind but if it is the wind, then the door will close with a loud sound.

I snapped away and look at my reflection in the mirror, "God, I had too much math."

After the final brush for my eye shadow, I cleaned up my things and walk away. I was about to open the door but then my phone vibrated.

It was a call from Jeff.

"Hey where are you?" He asked me.

"Still at school dudeeeee." I said to him with a long e at my dude.

"Hurry up, the party's getting started! I mean there are like 25 people in the house but I need you."

"I'll be there, just wait. I think by... 5:17? I guess."

"Okay but hurry up, the bed's getting cold." He said and giggled. I was grossed yet at the same time excited.

"Jeff! Ugh, pleaseee!"

"Yeah fine, secret's safe but we're really really doing it." He said.

"What did you say? I can't hear you! The line's choppy! Wai-" I said and cut myself. Faking errors are escape to awkward conversations.

I opened the door but it wouldn't budge. It tried harder but it won't open.

Shit! Was it locked?

I tried to open it more harder and still it won't open. I knocked and scream, "Help! I got locked!" but no one seems to notice me. I kicked the door, hoping that it will open like the one's in those action flicks. But it didn't open, it only lead my foot to misery.

"Ouch!" I squealed. My foot's tips got folded, I guess. I removed my shoes and saw my finger toes red. Wow, thank you!

From behind, I hear some noise like some object dropped.

At first, I thought it might be an interloper but then I realized that it may be help from the people behind this locked door. It may be someone who might have heard my voice and came to rescue. With bared one foot, I walk towards it.

I saw no one. I saw nothing. I turned around and look at the mirror. I saw my myself but a paper was blocking my head's reflection. And it wasn't any ordinary paper. It wasn't my flunking report card in Math. It wasn't the test paper that had no checks. It was the letter I received from Cath Lennings.

I heard the squeaking of the door as it opens. I turned around and out of my curiosity, fear and adrenaline, I walked towards it.




All those names came back to me. Stupid and rude? Never in my dictionary. Mean? Well maybe yes but at least I don't go knocking into 30 people's life just to have sympathy, suicidal bitch.

The last stall's door was closed. " Oh shut the crap out!", I said and snapped. I might be seeing things because as I've said, too much Math.

But before I can turn away, the door opens. It opened so fast like there was a strong wind behind me but there weren't... Well except cold air chilling on my spines that is making me kind of scared.

Then my eyes widen as I saw what's inside the stall.

I saw her. I saw Cath Lennings. I saw how she died. It was scary. Her eyes are swelling and opened. The tongue's out but it wasn't the normal pink color, it was bluish violet. "I-I am so-sorry." I said. But I don't feel bad for her, not at all.

I pitied her. I pitied her existence. She really did deserve death.

I laughed. I laughed by the thought of her words to me, those words that are a reflection of her.

She is stupid to kill her own life.

She is rude that her mediocrity took over her.

She is mean to herself.

From behind, someone whispered to me. "You've been a stupid, rude and mean girl, Leraine." It said and my heart pumps faster because of her tone and voice. I slowly turned around to see her but right before I can see a glimpse,

She stab me on my throat.

She forced to drown me on the toilet bowl.

Through the pains and blood, I did manage to get a glimpse of who she was.

She is killing me.


Author's note:

Hi! Hello! Boom boom poww! So this was my entry for @xxstoptryingxx 's one shot contest. It was a fan-fiction of her story 30 Reasons to Die. It was a wonderful story! So far, it is one of my favorite book here in Wattpad. So yeah, I put in some mystery and thriller in this story. It is only up to 3 chapters but yeah, I hope that you're going to read it until the end.

- Velvet Spade

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