Chapter 5: How To Be Heartless and Car-less

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"Hanna? I know that's you — please dear god, don't hang up — don't hang up."

Caleb Rivers begged desperately through the phone.

Hanna gasped, holding the phone tightly. Her expression danced between shock, longing and pure unadulterated panic.

I guess that is what happens when the boy you abandoned is still the boy that you love.

"Cal.." Hanna breathed.

Emily yanked the phone out of Hanna's hand and slammed it down on the receiver.

"No," I roared, lunging for the phone, but it was done. I turned on Hanna. "How could you? Do you know what you've done?" Then I turned on Emily. "Do you know what you've done? He knows it is us now. He can track our location."

"What would we have said?" Emily said. "Would you prefer Hanna to have continued her sentence and spill our his name?"

"We could 've yanked the phone out of her hand and pretended to be someone else!" I roared. "That way, there wouldn't be a big sign pointing our way giving away everything we had worked for! Pack your bags. Now. All of you. We are leaving."

"But we just got here!" Hanna yelled.

"And now we are getting out of here. Amelia's right. They could be here in seconds," Spencer said, looking at me reassuringly.

"Is that so bad?" Hanna whispered away from us. Her expression fell into a swarm of melancholy. A look that I knew too well. I look that said that all she wanted to be was in Caleb's arms.

I tensed in anger, "Yes. Hanna. It is bad. Because you are suggesting that we abandon all that we built because, just like a puppy, you miss your dearest Caleb."

"Just because you're heartless enough to forget who you loved, doesn't mean I am," Hanna roared. "I understand if you refuse to feel about Jason, but Caleb? He was your best friend. I was his girlfriend. How do you not feel anything?"

"Are you listening to yourself?" I shouted back. "You get one damn phone call from Caleb and you want to destroy the life of the rest of us just because you've decided that you want to be by his side. You want to ruin everything. Do you understand that?"

"And you are deluding yourself if you think any of this is helping us figure out who A is. Atleast if I went back, I know Caleb would still love me. That he still loves me now. I wouldn't see the same for you, as you know, you have no one." Hanna said, glaring me with the full force of a tsunami.

It was like she had slapped me.

Like she was holding a sign saying, "Oh look, here is the very definition of abandoned. Amelia's parents are dead. Amelia's brother is dead. Amelia's life is dead, don't you wish you could be her?"

And I am so done of being kind.

"Do you think he could ever love you after what you've done?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2015 ⏰

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