Chapter 3: Getting Acquainted

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"This Jaeger AI is online and functional?!? I AM SO RICH!" not sure how I feel about being referred to as money, but I'll let that slide for now. Question is do I reveal my sentience to her and if so when? As it stands she seems to only see me as monetary value, something I can't allow. The Government would probably notice me and attempt to destroy or confine me, at the very least I must convince her that it's in her best interests not to tell others of my existence.

"Please state your name" I don't wish to call her girl the entire time. She came out of her stupor thinking about it. Is she assessing whether it's safe to reveal that?

"My name is Karla... do you y'know work?" Karla? I'll save the name as my new primary drifter. In response to her question, I booted up the main screen displaying all my various systems and their current state. So mostly damaged or non-functional.

"So you have general movement, but no weapons online. Wish I could pilot this thing.. Wait, did you call me pilot?" so she noticed that. I should confirm.

"Correct, you are the current designated pilot and drifter of this Jaeger." I should probably inform her of the old pilots corpse-

"God what is that smell?" Well that makes this easy.

"The old pilot is deceased, removal of the corpse is recommended to prevent disease" I really want that thing gone.. I'm still hooked up to him and it's an almost slimy sensation.. It's really gross.

"EWW a corpse! How long has that been rotting there for?" I have no idea. I really should investigate him more at some point. I'll save an image of his facial features for now. Though it's mostly rotten at this point to the point only his pointed facial structure and from the few strands left he had curly brown hair. I also save an image of his overall body structure. For later database comparison.

"Unknown, systems have been suspended for an undefined amount of time" I am nailing this robotic voice, makes sense since I am one and all.

"And how do I get rid of him?" good She is on board for moving him, she does have a point however, that's a partially rotten fully grown man in that chair. Hmm It'd be messy and dangerous to drag such a corpse along the ground to the exit, not to mention she may take the opportunity to leave. I could use their personal locker cabinets, those are sealed based on the lack of internal water damage or any water at all, likely stopping or at least reducing any chance of disease spread. Perhaps I can even find some cryogenic technology among this scrap to preserve him. He is afterall my only link to my unknown origins.

"As a temporary measure, the body can be stored in the storage cabinet located to his lower right, Id recommend opening it and knocking him into it as they are air sealed" I am also curious what is located in there, I may be able to trace my mainframe and 'feel' parts of myself but that's only stuff that contain computerised systems. I can feel the information supplied from them and the numerous sensors literally everywhere. Most somehow undamaged.

"Ewwwww I have to push a corpse? Gross! Don't you have like robot arms in here or something?" I wish, then I could change my power cores on my own if that were the case. I'll perform a deep scan of a nearby controllable device later just to be sure though. I don't know everything about myself yet after all.

"Unknown, removal recommended" Robots really have it easy when it comes to communicating. She didn't reply, but the drop in her shoulders says more than enough about her displeasure for the task. I start up the release protocol and disengage the Pons headset from his head. It seems Jaegers have multiple ways of engaging the Pons connection, some use a suit with a pons integrated into it and others use a retractable mounted headset. I was connected to him via the latter method, it meant that anyone could pilot me suit or not so long as their head was exposed enough. It was a relief not having that gross stream of dead and uninterpretable data flow into my being, I should've done this ages ago..

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