(26) Leo's Surpirse

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Layla used a towel to wipe the sweat from her forehead. A four hour long swordfighting lesson was finally over.

Despite her midnight thoughts, at that moment she couldn't help but feel like nothing had changed after their quest. She, of course, was different but the campers, the lessons, the camp, everything was the same.

Walking near the volleyball court, she spotted Jason and Piper sitting next to each other on the ground under a tree. Piper had her head on Jason's lap. Smirking widely at the soon-to-be couple, Layla passed a couple of disappointed looking Afrodite kids and went to sit next to her friends.

"Leo's got something to show us." She told them. "You coming?"

"Wouldn't miss it." Jason stood up and brushed his shorts. Then helped Piper to her feet. He didn't let go of her hand and for a moment they starred at each other. Layla behind them snickered at her lovestruck brother. Talk about third-wheeling.

Jason coughed awkwardly. "We should get going."

"Yep." Piper agreed. "Just a sec." She took something from her pocket and threw it in a fire pit nearby. Before it was completely burnt Layla could see what it was. The silver card Thalia had given her. Apparently, Piper had better plans than joining the hunt.

"Let's go." Layla said, leading them towards the forest where they agreed to meet with Leo. "We've got adventures to plan."

It took them half and hour to find the place Leo had told them to go to. They also nearly got lost a couple of times but in the end they manage to reach their destination safely. There stood Leo along with Chiron and his cabinmates from cabin 9. Behind them was a small building like a workshop, Layla had never seen before.

"Here we go." Leo said and took a deep breath as he set his hand on fire. Everybody gasped. Everyone, except Jason, Layla and Piper who already knew about his power.

"Leo!" Nyssa said. "You're a fire user!"

"Yeah, thanks." he said sarcastically. "I figured as much."

"Holy Hephaestus." Jake Mason exclaimed. "That means- it's so rare."

"There's more just wait." The huge stone door of the workshop behind Leo opened and everybody starred in awe at the building forgetting about for a moment about the boy's fire powers.

One however didn't look surprised. The white cenetaur just frowned. He looked like stuff was coming back to him. Bad stuff.

"Welcome to Bunker Nine," Leo told them "C'mon in."

Layla walked around the facility looking amazed around her. The place was huge. It had everything from blueprints and scetches to huge machines and tools she didn't recognize.

In the middle, stood the bronze dragon's head. The only thing that was left from him since they crashed in Omaha. Leo went over and touched its forehead. "I'm sorry, Festus." He said softly. "But I won't forget you." Layla put her hand on his shoulder.

"Hephaestus brought it here for you?" Jason asked. Leo jused nodded.

"But you can't repair him." Jason guessed.

"No way." Leo said. "But the head is going to be reused. Festus will be going with us."

"What do you mean?" Piper frowned.

Nyssa interrupted before he could reply. "Guys, look at this!" She was talking about a scetchbook full off complicated diagrams and blueprints. "I‘ve never seen anything like these. There are more amazing ideas here than in Daedalus's workshop. It would take a century just to prototype them all."

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