The birth of the child

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Ciel is now nine months pregnant and Sebastian tolled Ciel to stay in bed and so Ciel did soon he felt a very strong kick in his stomach and then he felt like water was going down his leg and he call Sebastian and Sebastian came in the room vary fast and he saw the pain look in Ciel eyes he asked him what was wrong and he said his water broke Sebastian called the girls and said that Ciel is giving birth so they got everything ready a couple minutes later for me and Bertram came in and said what's wrong with my Lord we heard him scream so that he said oh nothing he is just giving birth so he is in a lot of pain right now and so they said okay is there anything when we can help with and they said no but you can stand outside the door you know maybe make some food and DO NOT USE THE FLAME THROWER because I can not get outside of the room when Ciel is giving birth to the baby he is so cute Sebastian don't you think he said yes he looks like you with my eyes what a cutie Bartram comes in and says I have some food ready for you guys

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