🩺At the doctors🩺

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Elizabeth pov
When we got to the doctors ciel got pulled into the doctor's office and after a couple of minutes he found out that he was pregnant with Sebastian's kid and that and he was 2 weeks pregnant and he was scared because he didn't know how Sebastian would react to it so he kept it hitting for a couple of weeks before he told Sebastian and Sebastian and he accepts you cuz he always wanted a child with him and he told ciel how he got pregnant ciel said that he wanted another kid with Sebastian and Sebastian said that when the baby is roughly six years old they can have another kid and ciel was super super happy and he started to cry and then the servants came and and asked Ciel why he was crying and he said it was no reason he will tell them later and so a while later ciel told the servants that he was pregnant with Sebastian's kid and they were accepting and they are also wondering how Ciel got pregnant and Sebastian told him that they were that he was a demons and they all were super happy and was helping Ciel while he was pregnant and then a couple weeks later he started being really moody and mean and also super emotional and also having really weird cravings like carrots and Hot dogs in ice cream and pizza with carrots on it with some pudding on it and pickles and cream cheese and just really weird cravings and no one judged him because they knew Sebastian would get mad at them making ciel sad.

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