School Trip

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Y/n's POV:

It was Monday now.  The morning went as usual.  I went to homeroom, talked to my friends, went to class, went to another class, went to another class, and the got lunch.  The end of the day was a bit more interesting though.  I found out that we are going on a trip to London on Friday.  We were going to go around in groups of 5 or 6.  We would get assigned groups when we get there on Friday.  We were given forms to have our parents sign.  I knew my parents wouldn't care.  I'll just have them sign it while they are drunk or something.

I got home to find my parents on the couch drinking.

"Can you sign this?" I asked with no emotion.

"Sure," my dad answered with a negative tone in his voice.

He signed it and I left to go to my room.

I turned in the form the next day.  The rest of the week was boring.  We still haven't gotten our partners for the project which is disappointing.  We'll probably get them next week.

Friday finally came.  We had all gotten on a train and started to head to London.  We got there after some amount of time.  I was listening to music for all of it.  I wasn't paying attention to how long it took.

Anyways, we got off and ended up in some park.  We were then assigned groups.  I was with Tobey, Ryan, Freddie, Eryn, and Tommy.  This will be interesting.

We split up into our groups and sent off to do whatever we want as long as we were back here by 4.

"What do we want to do?" I asked my friends.

"I was planning to meet up with some of my friends if you guys are good with that," Tommy responded.

We all said we were fine with that.

"Which friends?" Tobey asked.

"Tubbo and Ranboo are here and Wilbur and George wanted to hang out too!" Eryn responded excitedly.

"That sounds fun," I said.

"Wait.  So I get to meet them all?!" Tobey yelled.

"Uh, yeah!" Tommy answered.


"Sorry about him," Ryan apologized.  "He's always believed he would never get to."

"It's fine," Tommy laughed.

I blushed at his laugh and watched Tobey freak out.

"You should have seen him walking home after he met you, Tommy," Ryan added.  "It was funny."

"Shut up Pizza!" Tobey yelled.  "I'm happy I brought the stuff I was gonna give them.  Totally not like I bring it everywhere hahaha."

We all laughed and continued to talk.  I was freaking out a bit because this was the most I had ever been around Tommy.  I zoned back in to Tobey falling off of Ryan's back and onto the grass.

"GOOD THING I FELL ON GRASS BITCH!" Tobey yelled before chasing after Ryan.

"Well that's an interesting couple," Eryn laughed when the two got out of earshot.

"Yep," I agreed.  "They are very cute too."

"I want to have a relationship like theirs," Freddie said.

"Same," we all said at the same time before once again laughing.

Soon the two of them came back and we walked to where we would meet up with Tommy's friends.  Soon we got there.

The second we saw them Tobey hid behind Ryan.  

"Hide me!  This is scary!" Tobey whisper yelled.

I laughed and puled him out from behind Ryan.  "Get your gifts for them."

*Insert Fuck Boy Face Here* - Tommyinnit x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now