Chapter 6: "Start of the new class" January 2022

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Chapter 6: "Start of the new class" January 2022

"Hey girls, how's vacation going?" I asked. Tap to join the video chat. I joined the call as usual and started to make chikas. "I spent Christmas and New Year with my cousins and relatives from Manila, and I just got home for a few days after New Years since the beginning of the new school year is about 3 days away." Bella says. "Oh, that's nice. How long have you been there?" I asked. "I think since the beginning of our semester break, that is when we started going to Manila." "How about you, Amy?" I just spent our vacation ceaselessly drawing, since that is the most compelling thing I do when I have nothing to do, as a matter of fact. "Wow, that's great! Keep practicing!" I replied.

"Hey cutie, hahaha." ugh it's Tristan again. I smiled while I'm on call.

"Yeah dude why?"

"Hey, bitch. Are you just smiling over a text? " "W-what?" I replied like I was pretending that I didn't know what Bella meant. "Bitch, you gotta tell us this right fucking now!!" "Girl, this is nothing haha."I mutter. "No, it isn't just nothing. We have been best friends since the beginning, so I know you, I can read you, I know you're hiding something." "HAHAHA okay okay, wait a sec, I'll tell you, I'll send screenshots. Lemme just reply to this first."

"How's vacation, Kendrick." ugh he says my name, it totally feels different when it comes to him.

"Uhm, just good. I just spent my time with myself giving what it needs."

"Oh that's deep."

"But my throat is deeper." I say in bratty manner.

"Wanna test?" he says, like we were supposed to do that thing.

"HAHAHAHA hey stop, I was just joking."

"And so do I, hahaha"

"Don't you dare test me, or else you will be destroyed" he follows a chat.

"Heyyyy!1 stop! Hahaha." I said, like I was really wanting him to stop. But I wanted to know how this was going.

"Okay, so how about you? How's your vacation?"

"I just read and watched some Netflix series."

"That's good hahaha"

"You know what's more good?"


"If you were here"

"Heyyyyy hahahaha, wtf is this."

"Hahaha just kidding"

I just reacted to his message and never attempted to reply since my besties are waiting.

"So bitchessssssss here it isssssss ehe" I say like I was still flirting with Tristan.

"I - I don't know where to start soooo."

"Stop sugarcoating, you son of a monkey," Bella says.

"Okay, okay, chills girl, hahahaha." "So... okay, me and Tristan were having a fake flirt. But we didn't mean it. It was all just a joke. No emotions. No attachment. "Justa fake flirt," I said defensively.

"W-whattttt??" Amy replied like she was so flabbergasted.

"Yeah, we both can handle ourselves. So you don't have to worry about me. But... I feel like I just swallowed what I said before that Tristan didn't meet my standards... and now... it feels like... ugh I couldn't explain. He's just so... kind... decent... endearing... and...his dispositions....

"I knew it! I was right, you're going to be attracted to Tristan!" Amy said.

"No, bitch Tristan was my best friend and I don't feel any romantic shits about him."

"Oh? You sure??" Bella says, teasingly.

"Yeah it was just that, we're going on the flow."

"Hey, Kendrick. Listen to me. I know you can handle yourself but be careful okay? We never know what this thing you're both doing could bring." Bella warns.

"I don't like him but..." at whatever point our chat just ended, I feel sad. Whenever I'm eating, it seems like he's around me. He's generally at the forefront of my thoughts. He's now everywhere." I say in confusion.

"Kendrick. "That's how it is when a person develops an attraction toward someone. He's nowhere, then suddenly he's everywhere, whether you want him to be or not." Bella says.

"I-I... don't know, Bella."

"Bella was right" Amy agreed with Bella.

Our conversation continues until they hand down the call.

I also tell Sam about Tristan after our call has ended.

Tristan makes it so hard to breathe...............


English class:

Good morning class. We'll start in 5 minutes. Our teacher started checking the attendance, and Tristan is always opening his camera now since the last time we had an act. As soon as he called Tristan, he said, "Present." Every word that's coming from his mouth feels so good. "Kendrick... Kendrick Archer," I say after a three-second pause. I'm excessively in the middle of gazing at how enthralling Tristan is. She's done checking the attendance and immediately starts the class. Since Tristan opens his camera, I do as well.

Our teacher starts to ask a question, and he raises his hands and answers it very well and seductively. Oh my God, he's so well-spoken, he's so smart, he's so savvy. His intelligence makes him more attractive. W-wait I'm not attracted to him, let me clarify. I'm just describing him. As soon as it gets to the next question, I raise my hand like I'm on a race. I likewise wanted to show him that I'm also smart. But when I was about to finish answering the question that was given to me, I started stuttering, however I ended it well. Unfortunately, I accidentally stutter and my room is too damn small to fit all of my frustration and disappointment. I felt a little bit of embarrassment since my camera was open when I was answering. But more importantly I have recitation points.

After I answered, I turned off my camera. Guess what I am going to do? I started taking photos of Tristan because his camera was on. I made the most of it. And immediately send all of them to our group chat and to Sam. "Hey bitches, look hahaha." "What the hell, Kendrick. We're in class" Bella replied. "Oh I'm sorry hahaha he looks cute tho." "Better to focus on the lesson first before flirting ha!" "Okay, okay. I'm sorry hahahaha."

"Hey, Sam"

"What? We're in class. What is it?"

"I'm sorry for disrupting you but... he looks cute hahaha." (I send the picture)

"Hays, Kendrick. If you like him don't hesitate to tell us. We would understand you. You flirted with him so intensely." (Sam also knows how Tristan and flirted with each other, because I also sends her some screenshots of our conversation.)

"There's no time for this girl hahaha we're just friends, you know that." I say with lots of denial.

"Hay, I know what you're doing. I have trust in you. So what can I do but to support even if this was all FAKE."

"HAHAHA thanks, sorry to interrupt you again. You can listen to the lesson now hahaha."

She reacted to my message. Whenever someone just reacts to my message it's a typical reason that they already ended the conversation. 

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