The Enemy.

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Its close now. Lurks around the corner. Before, it was at least quiet. Now, its a constant presence, humming and growling. Something unignorable. She walks around, acting like it isn't watching her. She thinks she is protecting her friends by keeping the Enemy to herself. As time ticks by, it grows. Instead of leaving, it just grows hungrier. Starts to roar softly. Starts to cloud her eyes, seeps into her brain, clutching her body. She continues to smile, though it is harder now. She tries to harm the Enemy within her, only wasting her precious blood. Soon she pushes away others to keep protecting them. That is when the Enemy pounces. Wraps its suffocating tendrils, and restricts everything. She flails wildly, finally grasping wildly for help, but all the "protected" are nowhere to be found. The more she struggles, like quicksand, it pulls her towards the black. It controls her body like a puppet master. Tired of the fight, she surrenders to the enemy. It shrieks from victory. Finally satisfied with its prey, the Enemy goes in for the kill. As the chair falls away, the girl smiles. Finally free of the Enemy.

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