Chapter 19

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Whoever believes in Allah, He will guide his heart. (64:11)

I go on stage holding a microphone. The dabke music makes me want to dance.

The backup singers sing the first words of the song, which is supposed to happen.

I'm singing "Ya Halali Ya Mali" by Hassan Saleh. He is an extremely famous Palestinian singer. He actually won "Arab Idol" which is exactly like "American Idol", but in Arabic. I used to watch "Arab Idol" back in Egypt since it didn't exist while I was in Palestine. I wanted to go on that show, but since my family moved here, "American Idol" is the closest thing.

After the backup singers sing their part, I begin to sing the song. I'm extremely nervous since I've never sang an Arabic song on "American Idol" before. Plus, it's dabke so it sounds the most "foreign" out of all the types of Arabic music in my opinion. I don't know how the audience will react.

When there's a break in the song where just the instruments are playing, dancers come out and dabke. I do a little dance in front of them, moving my arms.

Then, I start singing the second verse. My memories of living in Palestine float up to the surface. I can only think of the good memories as I sing each word.

I remember the family gatherings we would have at night. They would last until one or two in the morning. The dabke music would be blasting. My family members, including me, would dance the night away. I would even sing some of the songs I knew.

I remember in the summer the whole neighborhood would have a huge party with dabke music blasting in the streets once again. We all had an amazing time dancing the night away, forgetting that at any moment the Israeli soldiers could come and yell at us to stop the music or go back in our homes. Or that a rocket could fall on top of us at any moment. I had a lot of fear, but it got lost in my happiness.

I look to my parents out in the audience and they are beaming as bright as the sun. I know the same memories I have are flashing through their minds. They remember all of those late nights and special family moments that are unforgettable.

"This is why I sing," I say to myself in my head. I smile inwardly and outwardly at the thought of having my family with me. They support me in everything I do. I'm just so thankful for them, alhamdulilah.

The song ends and the whole audience claps and cheers for me. Some people, including my parents, stand up and cheer. The audience liked it! They liked Arabic music!

After that, I go back to my seat and wait anxiously. It's results night which means that any one of us can go home.

A girl names Daniela and another named Paula are already in the bottom three.

"The next person in the bottom three is...", Cody says and gives a dramatic pause. The camera is on all of the contestants. I squeeze Audrey's hand since she's sitting next to me.

"Mason," Cody finally says after what feels like years. I look at Mason with a shocked face. He looks at me with a calm and collected face.

He joins Daniela and Paula at the bottom three.

Cody brings them to the middle of the stage. He announces that Paula is safe from going home. The audience cheers. My heart starts beating. I don't want Mason to go home. I mean, I still feel awkward around him since I know he has feelings for me, but he's my friend.

"The person who is safe from going home is...," Cody makes another annoying dramatic pause. I hear people in the audience chant both Daniela's and Mason's name.

Alina KanaanTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon