Chapter 5: Staffs and Familiars

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I don't own Harry Potter, just Lucas and Sora and whoever I make up.




Harry met up with Fili on the way out, who was pleased that he had Harry as such a powerful master. Fili had traveled many places, and had seen Voldemort do parselmagic. One tutor there. Now where would he find... ah. Nicholas Flamel was a good choice for most of the rest. Now he just had to contact the Flamels. Hmm...

Harry exited Gringotts with a spring in his step and a glamour charm safely over him and his aura. All his abilities had unlocked, plus new ones that were given, although he hadn't looked at himself for the physical changes. He had several things to do in Knockturn Alley, so he decided he would go there first. First stop: a wand/staff. He went into a shop that said: Custom Made Untraceable Wands. Hmm. He would have to ask about staffs. He entered the shop to see an old man smiling at him. "And you are..."

"Harry Potter sir, and this is a glamour."

"Oh!" the shopkeeper looked shocked. "You're the brother of the boy-who-lived, Lucas Potter? How old are you? I never knew he had a brother!"

Harry sighed deeply. "Most people don't know about me. I am Lucas's twin brother, the one that is never seen. Anyway," and he waved his hand, taking off the glamour. "I am 6, and I am here for a wand, though a staff might be necessary."

If anything, the wandmaker's eyes popped out even more, but he didn't say anything on that matter. "Very well. Follow me, then. We will make a custom made wand/staff, depending on the amount of wood and cores you choose, and we will see if any of the older ones suit you too. I might also get you a dueling wand though."

"Thank you sir, that will be fine. May we get started?"

"Of course. Call out with your magic, and get all those that you are pulled to." Harry nodded, and closed his eyes. He could feel the pull of magic and summoned 5 woods and a binding metal. Beside him, the wandmaker gasped.

"Yes, Mr. Potter, you will be getting a staff. My, my! I have never had this combination! The first two are more normal, rowan and ebony. One for a warrior, the other favors defensive magic and chooses very rarely, only going with the pure-hearted. Those two are notoriously hard to put together, but what have we here? Alder, only for the most powerful witches or wizards, and attuned to non-verbal casting. English Oak as well, king of the forest.It was rumored that Merlin's first wand was of this make. And - oh, my. Wood from the faerie realm in the sky, from ages back. You are destined to be in the sky, it seems. And the metal - parts from a meteorite long ago, known as brightsteel. It is virtually indestructible, and known to be attuned to magic. I have my work cut out for me. Now call the cores."

Several cores and gemstones flew by. Harry could feel different magics connecting to him. The wandmaker shook his head, nothing could surprise him now. "Phoenix feather, the only one I have. It is white because it is from a royal phoenix, the only one who ever donated a feather long ago. A royal phoenix would be white with a few other colors that represented the personal aspects of the phoenix. Anyway, you have a Nundu fang - deadly creature. Oh - phoenix tears, from the same phoenix. And this is to counter the fang - hmm. You have an aptitude for all magic, as the staff will prove. A unicorn horn - perfect for the rowan. I also have faerie aura, to be added with seven drops of your blood. Your focus gemstones are sapphire, for loyalty, purity, and trust, diamond for healing and love, and emerald for rebirth. I will need a day to craft this, come back tomorrow to pick it up. Now, your blood?"

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