Heading Home

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Tobias and I are sitting in the back of one of the Erudite fancy cars while our hands are still entwined together with his thumb rubbing over my hand. "Are you ready to go back to Dauntless?" I ask sheepishly disrupting the silence between us.  "Of course I'm going with you. " he says. We look at each other for quite sometime and I put my hand on his face and then the other, and put my lips on his. I love the warmth of his mouth moving with mine he places his hands on my wasit and he deepens the kiss. We stop knowing what will happen. I feel him breathing on my neck. "I love you Beatrice Prior." He whispers to me. He said my entire name that's odd but I don't care " I love you too." And we stay there on the long way back to Dauntless compound.
We arrive t the compound and Tobias goes to my side of the car to open the door for me and says "beautiful girls first" I let out a small laugh knowing he is referring to me. "Why thank you good sir." I say through a giggle. He closes the door and puts his arm around me and I fit my hand to his while the car drives off. I'm happy that its finally just me and him.

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