Tao Xu- Clingy (requested)

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Requested by urlocalranboostan77

You and Tao have been dating for about a year, you and him were a very close couple. You were always touching each other, holding hands, having your arms against each other, a simple hand on the knee, you were a very touchy couple. You and Tao were at Charlie's for movie night, Nick, Elle, Tara, Darcy, and Issac were also there. The group of you were sitting in the living room, it was nearing 12 am. You and Tao were on the floor leaning against the couch with you sitting between his legs, leaning on his chest. Darcy was sitting on Tara's lap on the couch next to Charlie leaning his head on Nick's shoulder with his legs over Nick's. Elle was sat next to them by herself and Issac sat on the floor against the opposite side of the couch. You were watching Beyond The Black Rainbow, one of your favorite movies, playing with the rings Tao was wearing. You didn't think anything of it.
Leaning down to whisper in your ear, "Baby, I love you, but, can you please stop."
"Oh, yeah, sorry." You whispered back trying not to sound disappointed.
You weren't used to this reaction from Tao, he was always happy when you showed him attention. You sat with him for another few minutes before standing up and walking towards the hall. You grabbed your coat and bag and turned towards the door.
"Where are you going?" Darcy asked.
"Home." You responded not meeting her eyes.
"Because Tao is being a dick." You raised your voice slightly and tears began to form in your eyes.
Charlie and Tao had come to the hallway to see the commotion.
"Are you leaving?" Charlie asked.
"Why are you leaving, Darling."
"Because of you. You're being weird and distant and I hate it. I cannot stand to even look at you right now. Just leave me alone." Tears begin to fall down your face as you grab the door handle and leave, slamming the door behind you.
You didn't know where you were going but you just knew that you had to leave. Tao had been acting distant with you the past few times you had been hanging out with your friends. You didn't think much of it until tonight. Tears poured down your face as the cold wind pricked at your skin. You didn't know where you were going or how long you had been walking but you ended up home, in bed, with not a single text from your boyfriend. Falling asleep you had hoped that tomorrow you would wake to texts from him, apologizing, but there were no texts, no calls, no apologies, just your empty lock screen.

Word Count: 454

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