Tao Xu - Movie Nights (Requested)

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Requested by urlocalranboostan77


"C'mon just pick a movie already, Tao." You complained. Tao, your boyfriend, has been looking for a movie to watch for almost 10 minutes. You had gotten to his house early to help set up for the movie night, Charlie, Elle, and Aled would be getting here soon and he has yet to pick a movie.
"It takes time to pick the perfect movie, Y/N. We can't just watch anything. It's the first movie night together since Charlie got himself a boyfriend."
"What about The Truman Show?"
"Aled doesn't like it."
"What about Ferris Bueller?"
"That works. Thank you"
It had only been a few minutes, but you heard the door open downstairs and your friends' voices entering. They entered the bedroom a moment later.
"Look at the cute couple." Elle teases.
"What?!?" You exclaim
"I was just joking. I know the two of you aren't dating."
You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding. You and Tao had made it official about four months ago and decided not to tell the rest of the friend group yet as it was still new and you didn't want people's opinions when you were still figuring out your opinions of each other. The movie started, and you had your head resting on Tao's shoulder and sat between him and Charlie. Charlie was laying in-between Elle's legs, resting his head on her stomach. Aled had been laying next to Elle with his head on her shoulder. You were all sitting on the floor against Tao's bed with the movie being projected onto a white cloth on the wall opposite. Occasional glances from the other towards you and Tao had occurred during the movie, the two of you were sitting suspiciously couple-ly but that wasn't uncommon for this group. You guys were very close friends and could act couple-ly at times. After the movie had ended Charlie, Aled, and Elle had gone downstairs to get drinks leaving you and Tao in his room. You took the opportunity to kiss your boyfriend, just a simple peck on the lips which turned into a make-out session. The two of you had forgotten that your friends would be back soon. The trio had walked in on your make-out session followed by gaps and Elle saying "I knew it!"
You and Tao pulled away from each other. "Oh my gosh."
"Well, I can explain this. You see Y/N had Uhm. Yea I've got nothing."
"Since when?!" Elle questioned.
"Uhm about four months ago."
"Four months! Y/N, you and Tao have been dating for four months and you didn't tell me!"
"Well, we were going to tell you but, we wanted to wait a bit."
"Well, I'm happy for you guys," Aled adds.
"Yea, it's great that you guys finally started dating. We've been waiting to see how long it takes the two of you." Charlie joked.

Word Count: 484

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