l o s s

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I should've done more
I'm sorry, you're my biggest loss
it hurts, it throbs to the core
my soul shattered, above your body a cross

I forgot your earrings
I forgot your shoes
but I didn't forget the flowers
with me his and your rings
in my soul, again, the death blues
this endless love, only ours

crazy love, no ties
memories, the house that never dies
in my mind, I see you around as a child
you happy to take care of me, your sincere smiles

did I make you proud?
you always said what you vowed
when I was born, you said you'd give me everything
but I ended up with more than love can bring

I met the happiest woman alive
my godmother, same name as my mother
she was optimistic, she helped me thrive
two only children who loved each other
who had (will have) the same future

dark, lonely, in my skin another suture
for this loss is too much to bear
my second mom, all that is left is despair

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