Chapter 9: The Toughest Battle

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Even if Meta knight was a strong warrior, he wasn't enough to defeat the Dark Aeon Hero, but his friends found him and they're ready to fight.

DDD: Hey, pidgeon guy! We've beated people WAY more scary than you! You're no match for us

Bandana waddle dee: Even if you defeated one of our friends, the sire is right! We will win this battle!

Kirby: Poyo poyo!

Kirby jumped to land a sword hit to Galacta knight, but he just sent Kirby away with a kick

DDD: Ugh! Nobody hits that pink guy but ME!

King dedede threw his hammer towards Galacta knight, and it actually hit!
And he finally decided to talk again... Obviously he wasn't in control

Dark Aeon hero: Ugh... You foolish dreamlanders... I am the ultimate warrior! Do you really think you can handle-

Galacta knight would like to finish his sentence, but bandana dee attacked him with his spear in a directly at him

Bandana waddle dee: If you think we can't handle someone like you, well prove you're wrong! We are the protectors of Dreamland, we won battles against literal Gods!

Galacta knight grabbed Bandana Dee by the head


Dark Aeon Hero: Don't dare another step, or say goodbye to your dear friend!

DDD: Leave him alone! He's just a waddle Dee!

Dark Aeon Hero: "Just a waddle dee"... Still, he's important for you, am I right-

Kirby stabbed Galacta knight from behind with his sword, making bandana Dee escape the catch

Kirby: Poyo!


Galacta knight places in the sky, rising his hands. Then, about 30/40 glowing spears appeared around him, pointing at the heroes

Dark Aeon Hero: Now... DIE!

All the spears fell towards the heroes, causing serious damages

DDD: Watch out!

They all got hit by the spears.
One of them landed near Meta knight

Meta: Huh...? Wait, if the ancients used this spears to power Galacta knight, it means...

Meta knight grabbed the spear and slowly got up, trying to walk towards his fiends.
Meanwhile, Galacta knight landed near the injured heroes

Dark Aeon Hero: I hope this was enough to make you understand that you should not play with such a great power...

Kirby: P-poyo...!

Galacta knight grabbed Kirby

Bandana dee: Don't you dare...!

DDD: Let him go!

Dark Aeon Hero: You might be a strong warrior... But not strong enough to handle the power of the strongest-

Meta knight stabbed Galacta knight with the spear, causing it to break on him

Dark Aeon Hero: AGH!

Meta knight picked up Kirby

Meta: You really talk too much...

DDD: HAHA! Nice one, Meta!

Dark Aeon Hero: W-why do I feel my powers abandoning me...?! What have you done?!

Meta: Those spears gave you power so, they can take it back too!

Galacta knight started to glow, turning back in his normal form with his normal colors! And he fainted

Bandana waddle dee: S-so, it is over?

DDD: I guess...

Even if they won, there wasn't a lot of happiness

DDD: I saw a door to go back before, let's go

They all got up with a bit of effort.
Meta knight picked up Galacta knight

Bandana waddle dee: Sir Meta knight, are you really sure to bring him with us?

Meta: He just got controlled, I am sure he would never do such a thing

DDD: He did in the past and he can do that again.

Meta: Shut it! He's... He's alright I'm sure

DDD: Hmph, if you say so

Some hours have passed, everyone were resting after the battle against "the strongest warrior"

Meta knight was sitting down a tree near him, a fainted Galacta knight, who just woke up

Galacta knight: Ugh... Where am I... What happened?

Meta knight: Oh, you're up. It's a long story...

Galacta knight: The ancients... I remember this feeling. Did I hurt anyone?...

Meta knight: Hell if you did, but nothing too serious

Galacta knight got up

Galacta knight: I took a decision

Meta knight: Hm?

Galacta knight: It's been cool to stay here in peace for a while, I've been fighting for ages and I needed some time to rest. But I am not good as an ally... The ancients are looking for me and now we're... Fiends... So if I want to protect you all, I can't stay here

Meta knight: But, you would be alone in the galaxy again!

Galacta knight: I know you want the company of another star warrior, but I am not the best person for this. It was fun till it lasted

Meta knight: So... It is a goodbye?

Galacta knight: I won't come back to fight you again, so... Yeah

Meta knight hugged Galacta knight

Meta knight: See you soon...

Galacta knight: Goodbye...

Galacta knight flew to the sky

Galacta knight: Oh! Another thing: take care of the REAL strongesr warrior in the galaxy. Kirby.

Meta knight: I will! And you will see how strong he'll be with my trainings

Galacta knight: I hope so! ...See ya!

Galacta knight flew at high speed towards the sky, disappearing in the clouds

Meta knight sighed

DDD: So, he's gone, huh?

Meta knight: WHAT- where did you come from?!

Bandana waddle dee: Just to check on you, we noticed Galacta knight is gone...

Meta knight: Yeah...

Kirby: Poyo?

Meta knight: Sure I am fine. Just a bit tired... So, who wants to go take some ice-cream now?

Kirby: Poyo poyo!

Meta knight: Good, and rest well! Tomorrow we'll have a tough training!

And they then went to the ice-cream shop, knowing that now they had a new friend, somewhere in the galaxy.


(And this other story is done... Maybe I did not put a lot of effort in this one, I know, I just had a lose of creativity and did not know what to do, I hope you likes it anyways even if it's not my greatest idea, but I wanted to make this, so... I guess you'll see me in another story, if I will ever do another)

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