Chapter 3: Not An Enemy, But Still A Threat

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It was morning in Dreamland. Meta knight, Blade and Sword were sleeping in their room, until...

Bandana Dee opened the door while panicking

Bandana: Sir Meta knight!

Meta knight just woke up

Meta: W... What is it?

Bandana: That galacta guy is destroying the Wispy forest!

Meta: He... What?!

Meta knight dashed out of the castle as fast as he could and then reached the Wispy forest where Galacta knight was flying while destroying the trees with tornados, laser beams and other powerfull attacks

Meta: Galacta knight! Come down here, NOW

Galacta: Hm?

Galacta knight landed next to Meta knight

Galacta: What do you want?

Meta: Why the hell are you destroying the forest?

Galacta: I told you I wanted to train and you didn't show up so I decided to train by my own

Meta: Maybe you should learn that not everything you see can be destroyed for nothing

Galacta: Then prepare, I want to train

Meta: Why do you want to fight so much?

Galacta: What else am I supposed to do?

Meta: I don't know. See the world, chill, stay with friends... There are many things to do

Galacta: Hmm... Anyways why is this forest so important?

Meta: Check this out

Meta knight gave a little hit to a tree and an apple as big as a melon fall near him

Meta: The apples from this forest are the best in all Dreamland. Here, why don't you try one?

Galacta: Hmph. Fine

Galacta knight took a small piece of the apple and ate it

Meta: So?

Galacta: Huh... Actually, it's been a while since the last time I ate something

Meta: Don't you need to eat anything while you are in that crystal?

Galacta: No, not really

Meta knight sat on the grass

Meta: So, why don't you tell me something about you? For example, why are you always imprisoned in that crystal

Galacta: It's been years ago, and I mean like 400/600 years or even more. I was the leader of a group of star warriors that fought for the ancients, a day a giant flying ball called Void gave birth to a giant demon whose name was Termina, the ancients were strong, but not strong enough to defeat Termina, so they asked help to us star warriors and we managed to beat Termina and the ancients sealed him in a heart shaped crystal cage, but then they thought something: "this Galacta guy is strong enough to beat us, it's better if we seal him in a crystal and let him go around the space until someone stronger than him breaks the crystal just to defeat him and then imprison him again for THE REST OF HIS LIFE"!

Galacta knight said the last part almost yelling

Meta: Are you alright?...

Galacta: Sure, just a bit mad that I got sealed for ages just because I'm strong... Also THEY gave me this stupid "stronger warrior in the galaxy" title... I don't deserve it, I don't need it. I'm just a star warrior

Meta: Then why do you always attack the first person you see?

Galacta: I don't really know... I just needed to fight

Meta: So, is there something you want to do?

Galacta: Well, before I wanted to fight, but for your fault now I don't actually know what to do

Suddenly, Kirby

Kirby: Poyo poyo!

Meta: Hi, Kirby, how are you doing?

Galacta knight proceeded to stare at Kirby

Kirby: Poyo?

Galacta knight took his shield and draw the sword (or spear? Or whatever is that thing?)

Galacta: I suddenly want to fight again...

Kirby: Poyo?!

Meta: Kirby, take this!

Meta knight threw his sword at Kirby, and then he inhaled it, becoming sword kirby, but with the Galaxia and Meta knight's mask

Kirby: Poyo!

Galacta: Good! Prepare...

(No, Kirby will not prepare. The chapter is over. L e a v e )

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