Senseless doodling of the letters

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Senseless doodling of the letters.

Letters put into random order. Array and disarray them. Little symbols recognizable. Forming things we call words, that through our lives have come to take a meaning, deeper or shallower. Depends on our experiences. Using them litterary, metaphorically, orally, mentally.

Senseless doodling of the letters.

The same phrase has just been repeated. This is the technique or repeatition, used it Literatture, to inform that this phrase is holding a deeper meaning. This is a part of the theory that has been made to understand speech, to maintain it, to control it. Some will know it better, some not as well. Depends on our experiences. Repeatition again. Isn't this getting tiring?

Senseless doodling of the letters.

The ones that don't follow the theory do not make sense. Those we can call "thoughts". Thoughts are the most random thing existing on Earth, and the most rebellious. There is no such thing as "theory" for them. And words are being used to write them down. Oh the irony...

Senseless doodling of the letters.

The words are depicting the thoughts. Those thoughts we don't want to forget, we don't want to lose them. We wish to reread them. Over and over again. As long as time can offer. We want to hold them, as if we don't have many thoughts enough. We always create new ones, every second passing. The one creates the other, thought after thought after thought... Why save some of the ones that's been created?

Senseless doodling of the letters.

Thoughts depicted with those symbols. The outcome is called a text. This is what the saved thoughts bring out. And as if it was not enough that we saved them in the first place, we want the world to see them. We want the world to know. This is what is called to be a writer. Seems like everyone wants to be a writer, some even a poet. I wonder why...

Senseless doodling of the letters.

You just red one of those. You had a piece of the flow of thoughts while being saved from someone that plays writer. You just wasted five minutes of your lives. Unless you enjoyed those thoughts. Then you wasted them in a good way. Though I don't see how that is possible here...

Senseless doodling o-

You know what? I even got bored of it. Just going to wrap this "text" up and let you free. All those symbols, thoughts and doodles must have tired you. Although, they still going to haunt you, even after you leave from here.

You cannot escape from all those senseless letters!

Senseless Doodling of the LettersWhere stories live. Discover now