Chapter 8

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Y/n:(well I hope what all might said help him reach his dream).

All Might:hey now no need for the tears young man.

Izuku:*stands up and wipes his tears away*s-sorry.

All Might: It's fine and also you are also worty of my power.

Both y/n and izuku:?

All Might: *starts to explain one for all well as far he knows*

a/n:I don't know the entirety of what he said so I'm making up what or I skip the part and get to the part I know.

All Might:It's a mighty responsibility and if you don't mind miss ?

Y/n: I don't and names F/n L/n.

All Might:thank you young l/n and if need time to answer young man take your time.

Izuku:*goes though the bad memories but adds y/ns and all mights*I'll do it.

All Might:a quick answer I like it meet me at the *beach name* in two days and if your friend what's to come I don't mind.


All Might:see ya both or you tomorrow.

Y/n:(this is it a way to help him get stronger and a way to spend more time together).

Izuku:*gets a text form his mom saying f/n can't come over because of the villain attack*sorry l/n San My mom sent me this*shows y/n*.

Y/n:*reads it* that's ok Olga would be worried to if it happened to me so see you in two days reason me and Olga are training and well our frige almost empty.

Timeskip to y/n at home

Y/n:Olga I'm home.

Olga:*walk to y/n* I saw the news youok?

Y/n:I'm fine Olga but *explains that villans may know who she is*.

Olga:oh my well at least your safe and they still see you as there queen.

Y/n: yes also can you call megalon and gigan here tomorrow.

Olga:yes ma'am I have to go get groceries anyway.

Timeskip next day

Olga:come on in megalon and gigan.

Both:*go in and sits on the couch*.

Y/n:good to see the whole gang together and well to.

Gigan:you been gone for a month why?

Megalon:I also wish to know.

Y/n:Well *explains what happen the past month*.

Both:so you have found your mate and are going to ua!

Y/n:yup and also I want you to to go to this school here *the second best hero school*.

Both:*nods while one semi nods*

Y/n:ok Olga can you come in here.

Olga:yes ma'am what's up?

Y/n:Well (I'm sorry izuku I know it's a secret between me you and all might but still If I want to help you I need to give them updates on you)*explains one for all to them*.

All three:*wide eyes*

Olga:and all mights what to give it to him?

Y/n:yes and I want to help him train with it once he gets it but I know he'll want to do it alone but I insist on it.

Olga:once you get the details on his new qurik I'll make a training room for him.

Y/n:also this can't go to anyone at all only us four.

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