38 real life.

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Max snickers as he locks his phone, he's not surprised that those three idiots had taken a wrong turn. It was bound to happen with them in one car. Milou had once told him to get in a car with them the previous centreparcs and they had taken a wrong turn and ended last after an hour at that little village.

Maartje happily skips in front of him with Milou holding her hand. His father next to him watching how the almost nineteen years old girl is chatting with her daughter. The moment Milou had woken up, she had picked up her daughter and started chanting zwembad.

"Wat zijn ze schattig zo." Jos interrupts Max's thoughts. (How cute are they.)

He looks at his father, who had decided to come with them to the swimming pool as well. He knows that the others will find them there and for some reason it is almost entirely deserted.

Max is happy that Milou is feeling better after all the things that has happened around them. He knows that after these two weeks he will have to go to court to try and win it and prove his innocence.

Because of all that is going on between Max and Tara, he has gotten so stressed that he was loosing weight rapidly. His muscles were disappearing and his eating pattern has his trainer worriedly while he uses red bull energy drinks as a way to keep his energy level on track.

"Ja, zeker." Max tells his father. (Yes, of course.)

Jos looks over at his son and squeezes his shoulder, having noticed the look in his eyes. Max his shoulders are tense and he looks tired.

"Laat het los, denk er niet aan totdat het zo ver is." Jos speaks up. (Let it go, don't think about it until it is.)

"Geloof me pap, dat probeer ik ook wel maar het is zo moeilijk. Ik kan alles kwijt raken. Ik heb meer te verliezen dan Tara." Max tells his father honestly. (Believe me Dad, I'll try, but it's so hard.  I can lose everything.  I have more to lose than Tara.)

Jos gives his son a sad look and sighs softly, noticing how Milou has picked up Maartje and had fallen in step with the two men.

"Je gaat het winnen, punt." Milou says. "Tara gaat het niet winnen, mijn vader heeft alle bewijzen die hij kan vinden en weet je nog dat ik vroeg over die cameras?" (You're going to win, period. Tara isn't going to win, my dad has all the evidence he can find and remember when I asked about those cameras?)

"Ja?" Max asks questioning. (Yes.)

He has no idea why she is asking him that, he knows that he has a camera security in his house but he doubts that it still is working as he never been there since the first year he had installed it and that has been the day after he moved in.

"Jij gaf mijn vader de sleutel voor je appartement, hij kwam er achter dat je cameras had en wonder boven wonder, ze werken gewoon nog." Milou tells him. (You gave my father the key to your apartment, he found out you had cameras and miraculously, they still work.)

"Echt? Waarom was ik dat niet verteld?" Max asks, his voice filled with disbelief. (For real?  Why wasn't I told that?)

It hurts his feelings that he wasn't told that, but a part of him doesn't want to know what Bas had found on those recordings. But it makes sense why Bas was asking if he remembered the pacific day those abuses had happened.

"Ik heb een fragment gezien maar..." milou looks up at Max, he can see the tears in her eyes. "Ze zijn vreselijk om aan te zien." (I saw a clip but... They are awful to look at.)

Max knows what has to be on there, he wraps his arm around her waist as they walk into the plaza. He quickly kisses the side of her head. Rubbing her back softly, it must have been horrible to see him like that.

𝔐𝔞𝔵 𝔙𝔢𝔯𝔰𝔱𝔞𝔭𝔭𝔢𝔫: ℑ𝔫𝔰𝔱𝔞.Where stories live. Discover now