Chapter 4

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Izumi, Age 14

It was literally just another school day. Every morning I get up at six go on my morning jog go back home shower, put my uniform on, and head out the door. I leave on my own because Izu likes to stop and gawk at the hero's. I literally could not careless, sadly I'm in the same class as wouldn't let me be homeschooled...

So that's where I am now in this stupid class, with this stupid incompetent teacher, these idiotic and cocky disease holding kids, and my brothers childhood bully who never learns.

I sat next to my brother earphones in bobbing my head to the music that rang through my earphones. My brother told me he was able to see the recently debuted hero's Kamui woods and Mt lady I think to be honest I don't really care.

I've come to realize that all men aren't created equal. My little brother gets bothered for being quirkless and I always have to step in. He's too timid and shy especially when Bakugo is involved. He still has hopes to be like All Might and I've come to realize that it's not possible without a quirk.

Now don't get me wrong I'm still striving to be come the symbol of protection but that doesn't mean I have to be like Izuku and spend my life studying heros instead of training.

My appearance has also changed drastically...I don't even look like my twin anymore...I don't look like a hair is now black, my skin is paler, my eyes are blackish green which makes a grayish like color that people find beautiful still...I have little bit very noticeable eye bags and I like to sleep a lot now...but I'm still short. Then again so is Izuku so whatever.

I died my hair back green but it eventually faded out so I just left it alone. Anyways our class is filled with the same kids from kindergarten. I don't get bullied because everyone knows I have a quirk of course I don't use it around others unless it's for training since we could get in trouble for using our quirk without a license.

"Hello class everyone settle down" looking up I saw the teacher with a stack of papers in her hand making me eye them suspiciously. I had taken out my earphones and had my elbows propped on the desk with my chin in them.

My brother sat next to me scribbling away in hero analysis book for the future. "Today we'll be talking about future careers but..." they trailed off before throwing the papers on the air making me scrunch up my face because I wasn't cleaning it. "You're all going in the hero course with your remarkable quirks" I yawned looking around the classroom

"Hey teach don't group me in with the rest of these rejects" I looked at Bakugo who made eye contact with me eyes softening rolling my eyes I looked away and sighed. He was now standing on the table as everyone around him started saying things about him calling them rejects I mean weren't y'all the ones saying he was better than everyone now?

"Oh right Bakugo you applied to UA right?" I yawned again sounds like him. "Yep I aced the mock exam" his triumphant smile dropped when the teacher said the next words. "Oh Midoriya I see you've also applied to UA" I facepalmed and counted down in my head as the class was dead silent

" the laughter" everyone began laughing saying her couldn't get in with just grades alone. I gave everyone a death glare as Bakugo slammed his hands on Izukus desk making me scowl.

He went on and on about how he was better than him and blah blah blah. I lost my cool when he blasted Izuku to the back of the class and went to use his quirk on him but I was there in and instant holding his wrist over towards the window where the explosion blasted out of mixed colored eyes glaring into his soul.

"I've said it once and and I'll say it again Bakugo don'" he looked a bit hurt as my grip tightened slightly before I released it. "Tch whatever" he walked off as I turned around helped Izuku up.

As we both sat back in our desk our teach spoke yet again. "Okay guys you know you aren't allowed to use your quirks now...Izumi? You aren't applying to UA even though you were recommended?" everyone turned to me shocked as I scowled. "Izumi you had extraordinary quirks that'll be great to use as a her-" I cut them off before they could finish

"I don't want to go to UA I'm going to Shiketsu High School in the hero course on recommendations" Things were quiet for a while before the teacher continued on with class. I could feel Bakahoe eyes on me through the entire day but ignored them. It's probably either because I was recommended or because I decided to not go.

The end of the day had soon came and I'd forgotten my earphones in class so I went to get them while Momo waited outside with her driver. When I heard something I never thought I'd hear.

"If you wanna be a hero that badly there's a quick way to do it...believe that you'll be born with a quirk in your next life, and take a swan dive off the roof of the building" I knew Bakugo didn't like Izuku but I never thought he'd tell him to kill himself

"Bakugo you know if Izumi finds out you said that you'll never get her back don't you think you were too harsh" one of his minions said as they stopped in the hall not noticing my presence yet. "Tch whatever" he said as I walked pass them feeling their gazes shift to me my stoic expression and cold blank eyes present. 

Walking in the class I saw Izuku crying I walked over and hugged him which is something I don't do. I imagine it's hard having your childhood friend telling you to kill yourself..."it's okay Izu he didn't mean it" to be honest I'm not sure if I was trying to convince him or myself.

"I'll let Momo know I can't go with he-" he cut me off "no I'll be fine I'll just go home you haven't spent much time with her lately so go I'll see you at home" I hesitated but nodded grabbing my earphones and gave him one last hug before leaving the room.

I really wish I would've stayed that day....

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