Your First Kiss

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Some of these ones might be a little bit long so get comfortable! P.S this wasn't edited so don't be hating on me pleaseeee

Dean: You, Dean and Sam sat in silence in the Impala. You were driving back to the bunker from a hunt where you had gotten yourself captured by a demon but successfully freed yourself and killed it. Castiel had healed your injuries, Sam helped you back to the car but Dean had not said a word and occasionally had little outbursts of anger. "You could've been killed Y/N!" You rolled your eyes. "But I wasn't, Dean, and for the billionth time: I'm sorry! I didn't just walk up to the freaking demon and ask to be captured," you yelled back. "Well you can sit the next few hunts out and-" "BULLSHIT," you cut Dean off. "I'm not a child that you send to the corner to think about what they've done! I'm just as good as a hunter as you and I think that you're just a bit mad because it wasn't you who got to play the hero this time!" Sam looked out the window and attempted to suppress a smirk. When you pulled up to the bunker, you grabbed your things and slammed the door to the car, threw the front door open and went straight to your room. You heard several more doors close an then a loud voice. "Y/N!" You roll your eyes and see Dean leaning against the car. You shut the door behind you and walk over. "What," you say a little too harshly. He looks at you for a moment and takes in a deep breath. "The reason I freaked out about you getting hurt is because... I can't stand you getting injured because I put you in danger. I care about you too much to keep doing this to you. I love you, Y/N," Dean says. He stares at the ground and you wrap your arms around his neck and pulled your face to his. His hands met your waist and he began to kiss back. "I'm sorry," he muttered, his apple green eyes staring back into your Y/E/C ones.

Sam: You carried your lecture books up the stairs of the university hall all the way to the back seats where you always sat. On the last step you stood on your shoelace and tripped. But somebody caught you, resulting in your lips clashing to theirs. You jumped back and covered your mouth, gasping. "Did I jus- Did we," the guy stutters. "No! This never happened and nobody will ever know. I'm sorry," you replied quickly. "It's uh... It's okay, really! You're Y/F/N right," he says. You nod and pick your bag back up. "I'm Sam Winchester." You smile slightly and find a seat and Sam sits beside you.

Castiel: "Castiel come here," you shout from the kitchen in the bunker. "Yes Y/N," he replies walking in. You grin and take his hand, pulling him more into the messy kitchen. "I thought because you can taste food now- and all you've eaten is cheeseburgers- I thought you should try one of these," you giggle and hold up a pink iced cupcake. Castiel looks at it and slowly takes it from your hands. "What is it?" You explain what it is and he nods, understandingly. You watch as he bites into it and chews slowly. As he swallows the mouthful, he smiles and places the desert onto the counter. "That is wonderful," he beams. "It's cute... sweet and... perfect," he looks into your Y/E/C eyes, "just like you," he adds. Your heart melts and you wrap your arms around his neck. His hands gently cup the sides of your face and he presses his lips, softly, to yours. You can taste a mild hint of frosting on his lips and you smile into the kiss.

Gabriel: He did it! Gabriel had finally persuaded you to join him on a weekly trip to his favorite candy store in the city. As he walked in with you by his side, you could've sworn you saw an expression of pure happiness spread across Gabriel's adorable face. He pulled you through different aisles, giving you different things to try, making jokes about how nothing was sweeter than you.
"Now this one I like," he smiles as he smears it slightly on his face. He smirks his famous smirk and looks at you.
"Little help," he asks. His eyes flick down to your lips and back to your shining eyes.
"Cheeky," you giggle and softly press your lips to his, removing the smudge of chocolate off his lip in the process.
As you were leaving the store, after spending almost $100 on sweets, Gabe put an arm around your waist and pulled you closer.
"You could've gotten rid of that mess yourself you know," you smile. Gabriel just nods and kisses your forehead, resting his forehead on yours after. "What's life without whimsy, Y/N?" He presses your lips together once more, the slight hint of candy can still be tasted on both of your lips.

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