How you Met

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Dean: You smirked lightly as another drunken patron hit on you. After walking away to the other side of the bar. "What can I get you," you asked a handsome man wearing a brown leather jacket. "Just a beer," he answered looking you up and down. "My eyes are up here buddy," you giggle pointing to your eyes, whilst handing him a bottle. "I was looking to see if your name was as beautiful as your face, Y/N," he smiled and handed you money for the drink. "I'm Dean."

Sam: Your hands ran lightly over the vintage books and journals. You pulled one out and scanned the cover, frowning at the slightly strange name. "Oookay," you whispered lightly. "It's actually not bad," a voice said behind you. You turn around and are greeted by a very tall and muscular man with brown hair sitting on his shoulders. You raise your eyebrows, "you've actually read this," you ask. "I read the back cover about 10 minutes ago actually," he answered. You chuckled quietly and looked down at your stack of books in your arms. "I'm Y/N by the way," you say smiling at the man. He smiles back and takes a few books to help you out. "I'm Sam."

Castiel: You met the Winchesters a month ago and you all decided that you would team up for a while. You were sat cross-legged on an armchair in the bunker. A clatter of a falling lamp made you launch behind the couch and pull your knife from your belt. "I apologize," a deep voice spoke. You looked up and saw a man with black messy hair, gorgeous deep blue eyes and wearing a tan trench coat. "Oh hey Cas," Dean says entering the room. "Who," you ask, still grasping your knife. "Oh Y/N this is Castiel, Castiel this is Y/N," Sam introduces. You shake his hand and fell a sense of warmth spread on your arm. You check underneath your bandages werewolf scratch and saw it was gone. "Thanks angel!"

Gabriel: You were jogging down a forest trail by yourself and heard a rustle from behind you in a bush. You stopped and slowly turned around. A person was jumping back to his feet and looked at you in embarrassment. "I saw you running and I thought you were gorgeous so I followed you to see if you would stop so I could get your name and maybe number but I fell over," the man babbled. You took a moment to take in his rather handsome looks- well for a man who just stated he was following you. "Well... my name is Y/N," you say slowly. "Ha," he says in surprise, "thought you were gonna think I was crazy." "I haven't ruled it out," you smirk. "I'm Gabriel."

Balthazar: Okay being a security guard at a vintage museum sucked! It was so boring, you often found yourself pretending to sword fight somebody with one of the exhibition swords. You sat with your feet sitting upon the desk when you heard a clatter from down the hall. You quickly made your way to where the noise came from and froze when you saw a very attractive man holding a vase in his right hand. "Why good evening officer," he smiled. Your heart melted at the sound of his voice. Why did he have to have such a gorgeous accent!? It was going on be much harder to arrest him. "I'd honestly love to stay and make your acquaintance Y/N," he reads your name badge, "but I must leave." He takes your hand and kisses it gently. "Until we meet again." And then all of a sudden, he had disappeared. "Oh I forgot to tell you," you spun around to see him again. "You're stunningly beautiful, and I'm Balthazar!"

Crowley: You sat with your knees to your chest with a stray tear falling from your cheek. You looked longingly at your father who was hooked up to countless machines to help him live. "Please god, send me a miracle to help my father. He is all I have in this world. I need him," you whisper to yourself. "Your fathers health will not come easily," a foreign accent says from behind you. You jump up and compose yourself. "How much will it be," you say thinking in terms of money. "I've no interest in money, love. No I need something more personal," the man smirks. You look at him in discuss. "Who are you you sicko," you ask, crossing your arms. "Crowley, King of Hell, at your service," he bows slowly and meets your eyes. "To return your father to full health I need your soul Y/N." You didn't bother to ask how he knew your name. Almost everyone did you were the newest character on a television show. "So what do you say?"

Lucifer: "Sam!" You and Dean rush over to him as he sits up screaming bloody murder. "Sam calm down," you say starting to worry. "H- he's in m-my he-head! L-Luc-Lucifer," Sam stammers, still yelling. "Lucifer isn't here Sam! It's just me, you and Y/N," Dean says.
A few hour later the boys went to go and get supplies while you sit and try and find out who Lucifer is. But so far, nothing! "Who the hell is Lucifer," you say, exasperated. "A misunderstood ruler of the underworld." You jump up and pull out your blade. "Woah woah woah, no need for that. I am Lucifer. Or Satan or the Devil but I do prefer Lucifer. You must be the beautiful Y/N Sam thinks about!" You slowly nod and he takes a step closer to you. "Why are you torturing Sam," you ask, stepping back a little. "Well, I need some way to see a pretty face like yours," he smirks.

Samandriel: You were doing research for the Winchesters who were out on a simple hunt. You decided you need a break from working and made your way over to the bench to find something to eat. Suddenly, a body was pressed behind yours. You let out an exasperated sigh and turn around, "Cas we talked about personal space yesterda-" The being that teleported behind you stared back. "I'm sorry to have invaded your comfortability but I do know Castiel, I am the angel, Samandriel." You nod and hold your hand out. He looks at your hand, confused. He slowly copies your action, your hands connect and you shake. "I'm Y/N," you smile.

Adam: Your friends begged you to go clubbing with them so they wouldn't be all by themselves. You were currently standing outside getting some air when somebody approached you. "Hey beautiful," he slurred. They were obviously drunk and had no idea where their hands were because they were touching your body. "Get off me," you roll your eyes but they wouldn't budge. The man leaned in and buried his head in your neck. You tried again to pry the man off of you, which resulted in you being slapped in the face. "Hey," someone else yelled. A huge weight was suddenly lifted off you and the man stumbled away yelling profanities. "Are you okay," said the person that helped you. You look at him and realize that he is actually kinda cute. "Yeah I am. Thank you so much," you smile. "No problem. I'm Adam, Adam Milligan," he holds his hand out. You shake hands, "I'm Y/N, Y/F/N.",

Garth: You brushed your hair away from your face and triple-checked to see if the place was clear of demons. You descended the creaky staircase and slipped on something on the last stair. Landing on your bottom, you found the reason for your fall. You furrowed your eyebrows and picked up a grey sock with fake eyes. "Oh hey you found him!" You turn around and see a man wearing a cheeky grin. "Him," you asked handing it back. "Oh, this is Mr Fizzles, he helps out when there are children involved in the case." You were obviously both hunters, it was easy to tell. "I'm Garth," he chuckles and shakes your hand. "I'm Y/N. Nice to meet you," you smile.

Chuck: A writers convention is exactly as boring as it sounds. It's nothing but a bunch of authors giving speeches about their books and how 'life is relatable to the books.' Yeah no. You were walking out of the building when you ran into somebody. "Oh gosh I'm sorr-" before you could apologize your bag decided to split and release all of the contents including books, paperwork, illustrations, pictures, make up, money, pretty much the universe. "Seriously," you sigh and bend down to pick them up. "Here let me help you," said the person that you bumped into. "Thanks," you smile and look at the person. He was cute! "You a writer too," he asks with a handful of books. "Uh, yeah- well up and coming, I'm Y/F/N," you both begin to carry your belongings back to your car. "Pretty name. My name's Carver Edlund. I wrote the Supernatural series, maybe you've heard of them?" "Those books were my inspiration," you laugh, "I write fantasy and adventure!" he smiles, "maybe we can meet sometime soon and talk about... writing and...stuff," he offers. "I'd love that!"

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