The Wait

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3rd Person's Pov

"Wake up Kisaki!" Hanma screamed, before punching a nearby wall, causing Kazutora and the paramedics in the ward to flinch.

Luckily with their steady hands, the paramedics didn't do anything wrong. If not, the chances of Kisaki dying would have skyrocketed. Kazutora sighed, looking at his friend slowly losing his mind.

"Hanma-san, what on earth is wrong-" Kazutora spoke before getting interrupted.

"It's all my fault, if he was with me he would still be alive!" Hanma croaked, sobbing even more harder.

Kazutora silenced himself, holding back words upon seeing the guilt in his friend. It reminded him of Baji. After he had stabbed Baji during their Valhalla fight 2 years back, Baji was immediately sent to the hospital while Kazutora was sent to the Juvenile. Thankfully Baji was alive, which shortened his sentence from 10 to 2 years. Ever since then, Kazutora couldn't face Baji due to the guilt within him.

He had literally attempted to murder his best friend, of course he didn't find himself worthy of ever talking to Baji ever again. However, on a faithful day, Baji approached him and clear up the awkwardness between them.

"I forgive you Tora... It wasn't your fault."

Kazutora couldn't help but cry at those words. He knew he had found a true friend who was selfless and loyal. Now he's beyond grateful that now he could call Baji, "his". All thanks to Baji, their relationship had blossomed. He hugged Hanma, containing his tears. He related to Hanma and he hoped Hanma could at least see Kisaki alive once again.

"Have faith in Kisaki, Baji was once in this situation and he's still alive. So what's stopping Kisaki? Yes it may be his second time getting into a cardiac arrest, but surely he would make it out alive. He did survive the other cardiac arrest so trust me on this." Kazutora reassured, pulling Hanma closer to him.

Hanma muttered out a muffled 'thank you' before allowing himself to sob onto Kazutora's shoulders. He was supposed to be the strong one, he was after all "Kabukicho's Reaper". However, all heroes and villains need their time to express their true feelings they've bottled up. For once Hanma was allowing himself to cry and release all the pain. He was grateful that Kazutora sacrificed his time to accompany him to meet Kisaki so that he wasn't lonely.

Afterwards Hanma stopped crying before faking a laugh, embarrassed about what had happened. Due to him, now Kazutora's right shoulder was damp with his tears. Sniffling, Hanma wiped his remaining tears that had stained his cheeks. He calmed down afterwards, pretending that none of this had ever happened. Not wanting to embarrass Hanma, Kazutora played along with the "act".

The two them then looked into the ward, seeing the panicked paramedics trying to nurse Kisaki to life. Watching Kisaki's chest rising and sinking harshly, Hanma started to lose hope. Kisaki's heart monitor was instead decreasing despite the efforts of the paramedics. He looked over to Kazutora, pleading for reassurance but this time Kazutora seemed as worried as he was. It was no use. He should just stop giving himself false hope. Seeing Kisaki alive was almost impossible and he should start accepting it.

It's time to let go..

He should start giving himself time to move on as mourning over Kisaki seemed like no use anymore. Kisaki could be dead soon and he was ready to accept that. He knew that he should let go of Kisaki and focus on moving on and healing himself. He's certain that Kisaki would want that too.

"Let's go Tora, the doctors are busy now. Standing here won't do much..." Hanma said dejectedly, walking away from the window of Kisaki's ward.

"Hanma-san..." Kazutora mumbled, sparing a last glance at Kisaki's ward before catching up to Hanma.

"Wish you all the best in the afterlife, Kisaki." Hanma mumbled as Kazutora caught up to him.

Afterwards the 2 walked out of the hospital and onto Hanma's motorcycle. They put on their helmets before Hanma revved the engine. The 2 then drove back to Hanma's apartment. The drive back was tense and silent. Kazutora was beyond puzzled, why was Hanma acting up so suddenly? What happened to all the faith he had in Kisaki? Had it all gone down the drain?

Questions spiralled in Kazutora's mind but he chose to remain silent. It was the best choice in their current situation. Hanma was hurt and he knew that very well so he shouldn't bother Hanma. Maybe once Hanma's back on track, maybe then he'll talk about this to him. But for now he should just keep quiet and not interfere with the situation. Hanma should know himself better than him.

Soon they reached Hanma's block. Getting off the motorcycle, they made their way to the elevator before pressing the button of Hanma's storey level. If the motorcycle trip back wasn't awkward enough, now it was even more awkward. Hanma fidgeted, wondering how to break the awkward silence between them. He then tapped Kazutora, cocking a smile.

"Hm?" Kazutora responded cluelessly.

"Thank you for everything..." Hanma thanked.

Kazutora smiled before muttering out a "no problem" before resuming to stare into space. Hanma chuckled softly, Kazutora was cute. Hanma then stared deeper at Kazutora, admiring his features. From Kazutora's long banana hair that fell just above his shoulders, to sharp jawline and soft lips. He felt his heart skip a beat. He finally felt affection ever since Kisaki's coma. He moved closer to Kazutora without realisation. It just felt so wrong, Kazutora was taken.

However, he felt so empty and couldn't bare it anymore. It was as if it would eat him whole if he did nothing. His mind turned hazy and in a split second, he pressed his lips against Kazutora's. Kazutora stood rooted to the ground, flabbergasted over the sudden action of Hanma's.

His first instinct was to use violence and that's what he did. Hanma flew to the other end of the elevator, landing with a loud 'thud'. Wiping his lips in disdain, Kazutora glared at Hanma in sheer anger. Hanma chuckled lowly, irritating Kazutora even more.

"Nice punch-" Hanma tried complimenting before earning a slap to his cheek.

"What is wrong with you? I'm taken!You're going too far!" Kazutora spat out, running his fingers through his hair frustratedly.

The elevator door opened shortly after and Kazutora dashed out, rushing down the stairs and to the ground level. Hanma forced a smile wiping the tears that dripped down his face. He had messed up and he knew it. Not only had he lost his sanity, he had also lost his best friend as well in just a matter of seconds.

"Little do you know how much I'm hurting Saki..." Hanma murmered, stepping out of the elevator.

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