Introduction: The Ranawats

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Aarav Ranawat: A calm, sweet, organised person, very, mature, adventures, inteligent , always been a topper, love to irritate his twin sister but love her a lot. Love and Respect his Mother the most. He is a secret detective who secretly gives informations to police about unsolve cases by the name of "Aave" the secrate is only known to his partner in crime that is his sister.

Aarohi Ranawat: A fearless and brave girl, short tempered, love adventures and mysteries, live her life in her own terms, fun loving, love her twin brother and share a sweet- sour relation, love and respect her Mother and look up to her as a ideal, always stand for truth, a sectret journalist who always brings the truth by her pen name "Alesa". Her secret is only know by her brother. 

Durga Devi Ranawat: To the world she is a  business woman, But she also have connection with the underworld she is known to the underworld by her name "Dark Devil", Or "DD" A smart , strong and a fearless lady who can do anything in order to protect her family and her children. Love her children the most if Aarav is her strength then Aarohi is her motivation to win. Have a past that lead her to take the illegal route.

Hello guys, this is first my story so please spare me for my mistakes,
I hope you will enjoy it and please vote and share your views as it will encourage me to go further.

Bye Bye

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