Episode 10: The Mothman Prophecy, Part 1

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Featured Cryptid: Mothman

Our episode opens up with a flashback to Daniel's childhood with Daniel playing with a bunch of other kids in the playground, only for Daniel to look up to see a mother bird landing in a tree feeding her chicks hearing their thoughts in his head. he then turns his head to see someone walking their dog before hearing the dog's thoughts in his head. he then hears The other kids ask Daniel what he's doing, and Daniel tells the other kids that he thinks he can understand what the animals are saying. The other kids roll their eyes, telling Daniel "pfft... yeah right, who do you think you are, some kind of animal whisperer?" followed by Daniel picking up a lizard scurrying on the ground, telling the other kids that he has some kind of psychic connection with other creatures. the other kids don't believe Daniel, telling him that he's delusional before walking off which hurts Daniel's feelings. Daniel spots black feathers falling from the sky before seeing a mysterious winged humanoid hovering in the sky staring down at him with its piercing red eyes. we then cut to present day where Daniel wakes up in his bed in the middle of the night, wondering just what the heck he saw back in the day. The next day, Daniel wakes up in the morning to get ready for his daily routine at Animal X HQ. we get a funny scene of Daniel flexing in the mirror after brushing his teeth and combing his hair, asking Rodney if he looks presentable. the little Skyfish cocks his head in confusion before Natalie barges in to tell him that Bill has a mission for them. Bill then tells the two that in the quaint town of Point Pleasant, West Virginia there have been sightings of a creature that hasn't been seen since 1967: the legendary Mothman. the mention of the beast causes Daniel to have flashbacks to the winged humanoid he saw as a child. Bill tells the two that these Mothman sightings have caused quite the stir with the townspeople, believing the creature to be a harbinger of doom due to the previous wave of sightings occurring in the days leading up to the collapse of the silver bridge which killed 47 people. this story scares little Rodney who hides behind Daniel, followed by Bill telling Daniel and Natalie that they must investigate these sightings and put an end to this mass hysteria before another cryptid can be caught in mankind's crossfire. we then cut to Domino's airship where we see Dagger still trying to hit the target with only one arm only for her to collapse followed by Cloak laughing at her sister's misery. Doctor Uno arrives on the scene to tell Dagger that he has a present for her. he then takes her into his lab where the good doctor presents Dagger with a cybernetic arm, telling her that with this her knife throwing skills will be better than ever. we then cut to the X-jeep landing in Point Pleasant, West Virginia where Daniel, Natalie, and Rodney are all just in time to witness the annual Mothman festival. while Daniel walks around he bumps into the Johnson family (who are all wearing Mothman hats that are being sold at the festival). Daniel is shocked to see his now-amnesiac adopted family again, and James looks at Daniel asking him "can I help you, sir?" followed by Daniel running off. meanwhile Natalie bumps into a guy dressed up as the Mothman who looks at her and asks "oh hi young lady, would you like to take a picture?" followed by Natalie pushing him out of the way before looking at the Mothman statue. we then see the Mayor of Point Pleasant give a speech to all the festival attendants about how this festival was to commemorate the fateful day the Silver Bridge collapsed, blaming the Mothman for the catastrophe those who's lives were lost in it due to the creature being there when it all went down and referring to the beast as an omen of death that must be slain in order to prevent another disaster like the Silver bridge collapse from ever occurring. Daniel tries to speak out, but Natalie shuts him up telling him that they don't want to draw attention to themselves. the Mayor tells the townspeople that a bounty has been place on the creature's head and that whoever gets to slay the beast gets the million dollar reward. the twins in disguise watch from the crowd and smile, Dagger taking her glove off to look at her new cybernetic arm. Cloak then contacts Domino to inform him of the bounty put on the Mothman's head. Domino then tells his two "daughters" to collect the bounty for him and that he has figured out the perfect plan to lure the Mothman out of hiding. Domino then smirks before we cut back to the festival where we see the sky go dark followed by several black feathers falling to the ground followed by the Mothman himself perching atop the statue with his red eyes glowing brightly. Mothman warns the people of West Virginia "leave this place" before spreading his wings and swooping in to grab Cindy Johnson before taking off with her. once the sky goes back to normal, the twins tell the mayor that they will collect the bounty and kill the Mothman. meanwhile James comforts a crying Sharon before Daniel and Natalie promise to the Johnsons that they'll help save their daughter. James asks Daniel "do I know you?" and Daniel responds by saying "you may not remember me, but trust me we've met before". Daniel and Natalie both hop in the X-Jeep along with Rodney before driving off to follow the Mothman. Daniel then opens the Cryptozoologicon to read up on the Mothman, learning that the Mothman is a North American subspecies of the Flyers, one of the seven descendants of the firstborn. Flyers are winged humanoids found all over the world including the Alkonost of Russia, the Garuda of India, Harpies of Greece, Tengu of Japan, and Gargoyles of various European countries. they are often mistaken for angels and demons and some are known to carry the remnant ESPer gene from their firstborn ancestors. Mothmen are extremely shy and solitary creatures, preferring to live alone and away from humans often taking up residence in abandoned structures. Natalie then informs Daniel that there's an abandoned TNT factory up ahead, and Daniel tells Natalie that's probably where the Mothman took Cindy. Daniel then contacts the Johnsons to inform them that he and his companion may have found the location of their daughter. we then cut to Cindy waking up in the abandoned TNT factory where she looks up to see the Mothman staring down at her. Cindy cowers in fear of the creature, begging for her life by saying "please don't eat me!" followed by the Mothman kneeling down to look at Cindy in the eyes, referring to her as "Eliza". Cindy tells the Mothman "you must be mistaken. my name's Cindy, Alice was my Grandmother's name". the twins then arrive at the abandoned TNT factory, followed by the Mothman standing up telling the two to leave the girl alone. Cloak then tells the Mothman "we didn't come for the girl, we came for your head" followed by Dagger firing knives out of her Cybernetic arm which almost hit Cindy, however the Mothman stands in the way of the knives and gets stabbed in the wing. Cloak then grabs a metal pipe from the wall and tosses it at the Mothman with her telekinesis, however it is deflected by Natalie's electric bo staff. Daniel then whips out his grappling gun and fires it at the twins causing both of them to be wrapped up in the cable while Rodney sticks his tongue out at them. however Dagger uses her knives to cut both her and her sister free, however Rodney zips around the two's heads before using his supersonic speed that he learned last episode to ram into the twins knocking them both off their feet. Dagger tells our heroes that they'll be back before getting back up and retreating. Daniel notices the Mothman clutching Cindy close to his fluffy chest followed by the Mothman telling both of them to leave this place. Daniel looks at the Mothman's glowing red eyes followed by Daniel's eyes glowing the same corresponding red, Daniel telling the Mothman "you have the ESPer gene, just like me". the Johnson family RV then arrives on the scene followed by James and Sharon entering the abandoned TNT factory to see their daughter in the hands of the Mothman. James then whips out a baseball bat and tells the Mothman "get away from my daughter you monster!" before hitting the Mothman with the baseball bat causing him to drop Cindy who rushes to her parents who are happy to see her alive. Mothman then growls at the Johnson family telling them to get out. the Johnsons frightened by the creature start to panic before carrying Cindy back to the RV and driving off. Natalie notices the dagger stuck in the Mothman's wing and tries to approach the creature to help him, however the Mothman yells at both Daniel and Natalie "LEAVE ME ALONE!" scaring poor Rodney who hides behind Daniel's back before the Mothman its telepathy to inflict pain on Daniel, Natalie, and even little Rodney. the Mothman then grabs the blood-soaked dagger and removes it from his wing before flying out of the TNT factory and taking off into the West Virginia woods leaving behind a trail of black feathers. however the Mothman can't stay airborne for long with his injured wing and crashes into the forest floor, only for the creature to notice the Johnson family RV driving off. the Mothman unable to fly with his bad wing leaps onto the top of the RV and hitches a ride while Daniel and Natalie watch. Natalie picks up one of the black feathers and contacts Bill, informing him that the Black Dot are after the Mothman, saying that the Mayor of Point Pleasant has put a bounty on the Mothman's head and it appears the twins are hoping to slay the beast and collect the prize. not only that, but the Mothman also has hitched a ride on top of the Johnson Family RV. Bill asks Natalie where the RV is heading, and Natalie tells Bill that the RV is heading west and that they can easily catch up to it in the X-Jeep. Bill tells Natalie to make sure that the Johnsons don't see the Mothman, however Natalie informs Bill that it's too late for that as the Johnsons already saw it, but hey that's what memory-wipe devices are for. Daniel and Natalie both hop in the X-Jeep and drive after the RV, all the while Daniel recognizes the landmarks and realizes where they're heading: they're going to granny Eliza's house. Natalie asks Daniel who this "granny Eliza" is, and Daniel explains to her that Eliza is James's mother and Cindy's grandmother along with Daniel's adoptive grandmother, saying that she lives here in Point Pleasant, West Virginia. he explains to Natalie that during his childhood he went up to Point Pleasant with the Johnsons one summer, and when he was playing with some kids in the playground there he caught a glimpse of the Mothman. after that they visited granny Eliza's where she told him stories about her encounter with the Mothman, he didn't believe her at first (because he was a hardcore skeptic before he met Natalie) and thought her stories were just a bunch of fairytales told by an old coot, but ever since that fateful Bigfoot encounter that opened his eyes to the existence of cryptids he has looked at her stories in a new light. Daniel holds Natalie's hand and tells her "and I have you to thank for that" followed by the two looking at each other and blushing. we then cut to the twins in downtown Point Pleasant looking up at the Mothman statue, only for the Mayor to show up and ask the twins why they haven't come back with the Mothman's head. Dagger holds her knife up to the Mayor's neck and tells him "watch your tongue old man, or else it is YOUR head we will come back with" while Cloak explains to him that they almost had the Mothman in their grasp, but a pair of Mothman sympathizers got in the way. the twins then turn their attention to the townspeople of Point Pleasant and ask for volunteers to help them hunt down the Mothman. everybody holds their pitchforks and torches up, all the while Cloak and Dagger smile at how they were able to use the people of Point Pleasant's hatred of the Mothman to manipulate them into becoming their allies. meanwhile the RV arrives at Eliza's house and the Mothman then tumbles off the edge of the RV and into the forest below. the Mothman hides behind a nearby tree and watches as the Johnsons are greeted by granny Eliza. Mothman is shocked to see Eliza as an old lady, as the last time he saw her she was just a little girl. Eliza hugs Cindy, telling her granddaughter "my have you grown" while James tells her "hi mom, it's been a while". Eliza asks James where that Daniel kid is, and James asks his mother who the heck Daniel is, telling her that she must be going senile saying that he doesn't remember anyone named Daniel. Eliza tells the family to come in, all the while the X-Jeep pulls up to the house. Daniel watches from the window, feeling nostalgic from seeing the old house, telling Natalie that he misses this old place. Natalie reminds Daniel that they can't go in or else they will risk jogging the Johnson family's erased memories. meanwhile Cindy notices Eliza's Mothman necklace, telling her that she saw a creature that looked exactly like that. meanwhile Daniel sneaks out of the X-jeep with Rodney following suit and overhears their conversation. Eliza tells Cindy "oh you must have seen the Mothman" before telling her granddaughter that she saw the Mothman once when she was a little girl. James tells his mother that Cindy was abducted by that monster, but he saved her with a good ol' baseball bat to the face, saying that Mothman got what he deserved for trying to hurt his daughter. Cindy tries to tell her dad that the Mothman didn't hurt her, but Sharon tells her to shush and let the adults speak. Eliza tells the family that some may believe the Mothman to be a monster responsible for Point Pleasant's greatest tragedy, but she believes that he isn't that bad just misunderstood, revealing to the Johnsons that the Mothman saved her when she was a child. we then get a flashback scene showing Eliza as a little girl during the Silver Bridge collapse in 1967. she falls out of the car as the bridge crumbles, however before she can fall into the river she is saved by a shadowy winged figure which turns out to be the Mothman who tells her "don't worry child, you're safe now" before flying off. we then cut back to present day where Daniel overhears this revelation before he and Rodney look at each other, Daniel telling Rodney that he had no idea that the Mothman saved granny Eliza when she was a child as she never told him this story. Daniel's eyes start glowing red again, meaning the Mothman is close by. meanwhile in the X-Jeep Natalie notices that both Daniel and Rodney have both disappeared causing her to roll her eyes. she then steps out of the X-jeep and scolds Daniel for sneaking out to eavesdrop on the Johnsons. Cindy then steps out of the house, forcing Natalie to put her hand on Daniel's mouth telling her to not make a sound. Cindy wanders through the West Virginia wilderness only to come across the Mothman sitting on a tree stump. the Mothman asks Cindy what she's doing here, and Cindy tells Mothman that she knows that he saved her granny Eliza from the Silver Bridge collapse when she was a child, saying that her parents may think he's a monster but she knows that he's a nice guy. Mothman then looks down at Cindy and tells her "the Human race fears what it does not understand, their first instinct is to react violently" followed by Cindy telling the Mothman that not all humans are bad. Daniel and Natalie arrive on the scene to overhear this conversation, with Daniel's eyes glowing red from being in close proximity to the Mothman. Cindy looks at the Mothman's bad wing and notices that he's been hurt, followed by Mothman telling Cindy that a human did this to him, a BAD human, not like her. Cindy then whips out her jacket and ties it around the Mothman's wing, telling him to take it easy. the Mothman thanks Cindy for her kindness, followed by the angry mob of West Virginia townspeople surrounding the Mothman demanding him to unhand that innocent child while Cloak and Dagger tell the Mothman that he's got nowhere to run ending our episode on a cliffhanger.

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