Episode 1: Death of Loch Ness

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Featured Cryptid: Nessie

Our episode opens up with a recap of the season 1 finale arc "the lost world" parts 1, 2, and 3 before we cut to Daniel, Natalie, Bill, and Helena returning to Animal X HQ after their little adventure in the Congo, Daniel and Rodney both watching with concern as Natalie sulks while returning to her personal quarters. meanwhile Tony asks his mother if they REALLY went to the Congo, Tony saying that he knows his mother was Lost world native but he's never been there himself. Helena then tells Tony that it was quite the place as there were Dinosaurs everywhere, followed by Tony getting excited upon hearing the mention of real living dinosaurs. Helena then notices Bill has a worried look on his face and asks him what's the matter. Bill then tells Helena that there's something that's been bothering him recently, and Helena guesses that it's Natalie. Bill tells Helena that he's worried about Natalie, saying that now that she knows the truth she may go down a dark path of vengeance and now he won't be able to stop her before returning to his office. we then cut to Daniel and Rodney spying on Natalie in her room from outside the door, all the while Natalie looks at her locket and contemplates learning of the truth of Domino being responsible for the death of her parents and Marcus being her twin brother. Daniel begins to feel sorry for Natalie and enters the room, however Natalie tells him to go away. Daniel tells Natalie that he came here to check on her, saying that he's worried for her as she seemed pretty upset while little Rodney nuzzles against Natalie to comfort her, Natalie telling Daniel that he won't understand what it's like to find out that your parents were murdered by a maniac and finding out that his adopted son is really her adopted brother followed by Daniel reminding her that no matter what he still cares about her and they're all in this together which makes her feel better. Natalie and Daniel are then both contacted by Bill who informs the two that he has an urgent mission for the two and to meet him in his office. we then cut to Daniel, Natalie, and Rodney entering Bill's office where Bill informs the two that their next mission is to Loch Ness, Scotland. Daniel upon hearing the mention of Scotland jokingly asks if this "urgent mission" is a mission in search of golf and haggis, followed by Natalie informing Daniel that Scotland is also the location of Loch Ness, home of Nessie AKA the Loch Ness Monster. Bill then tells the two that's exactly what this urgent mission is about, as his associates within the Animal X Natural mystery unit have reported the legendary monster to have been found dead and washed up on the shores of Loch Ness, showing the two a photograph of the carcass. Daniel then asks Bill who could have done it, followed by Natalie telling him that it must have been somebody from the Black Dot. Bill then tells the two that whoever it was it's up to them to bring him or her to justice. Daniel then tells Bill that it will be done before he drags Natalie out of the room with Rodney following suit. we then cut to the vehicle hangar where we see Daniel and Natalie board the X-Jeep followed by Natalie activating the X-jeep's flight mode and blasting off. we then cut to the X-Jeep landing on the shores of Loch Ness where the two see Animal X personnel already working hard to clean up the crime scene, loading the bloated plesiosaur carcass into the back of a black truck with the Animal X logo painted on the side. Daniel then asks what they're doing, and Natalie explains to Daniel that this is what Animal X usually does whenever they find cryptid bodies: they collect the remains and ship it off to one of two destinations depending on the condition: if it's in good condition, they donate it to the cryptozoology museum. if the body is in bad condition, they send it to be cremated. as for any civilians who come across the carcass they just memory-wipe, Natalie pointing to a pair of Animal X agents memory-wiping a group of civilians who found the body. she then tells Daniel that THIS is why no one has found the body of a cryptid. an Animal X agent then approaches the two to inform them that they found something interesting among the Nessie carcass, a knife that they believe must have been what was used to slay the beast. Natalie examines the knife before Rodney shows up carrying something in his mouth he found at the scene of the crime, a three-spot domino. Daniel examines the three-spot domino and has flashbacks to the one he found in the bigfoot nest all the way back in the very first episode, Daniel slamming his fist into the ground in a fit of anger freaking out poor Rodney who hides behind Natalie. Natalie then asks Daniel what's wrong, and Daniel shows Natalie the three-spot Domino telling her that he just might have found out the culprit. Natalie recognizes the three-spot domino as a sign of the Black Dot, as they often use the three-spot domino as a calling card leaving one at the scene of every crime. Natalie then asks the agent permission to inspect the carcass, and he grants our heroes permission. Natalie opens the back of the transport truck, her and Daniel looking down at the Nessie carcass. Daniel sheds a tear, saying that if they came here sooner they could have saved the creature from falling victim to the Black Dot. Natalie then places her hand on Daniel's shoulder and tells her that not every cryptid can be saved but what they can do is to try to save the ones they can (a harsh lesson but an important one). Natalie then opens the Cryptozoolgicon's page on the European water horse, scientific name Nessiteras Rhombopteryx (AKA Nessie) and notices that the carcass is unusually small for these lake-dwelling giants and comes to the conclusion that the specimen is that of a younger individual: it was only a baby when it was killed. the two then step out of the back of the truck and tell the Animal X agents that they'll be on their merry way and the two watch as the truck drives off with the Nessie carcass. Natalie then looks at the knife and tells Daniel that now they know that the killer was from the Black Dot it now shortens their list of suspects, followed by Daniel telling Natalie "like them?" and pointing his finger. our heroes are then confronted by a pair of twin girls, one wearing white with pink hair the other wearing black with purple hair. Daniel asks the two who they are, and Natalie notices the black dot logo on both of their outfits and asks if the two are Domino's new cronies, and the two introduce themselves as Cloak and Dagger explaining that they're the twin daughters of Domino. Daniel upon hearing this makes the witty remark "you're Domino's kids? i imagine he must have some interesting bedtime stories to tell" followed by Cloak getting angry at Daniel's remark and lifting him into the air with her while force-choking him, followed by Natalie demanding the two to let him go. Dagger then tells Natalie "i don't think so" and throws a bunch of knives at Natalie who manages to dodge each of her blades. Natalie then notices that Dagger's knives look nearly identical to the one found embedded in the Nessie carcass and puts two and two together realizing it was the two of them who killed the baby Nessie. the two then confess to doing it and that they enjoyed watching the poor cryptid die followed by the still-suffocating Daniel telling the two that they're monsters just like their father. Cloak then tells Daniel that he's annoying clenching her fist causing Daniel to choke even harder. but luckily Rodney comes to the rescue and bites Cloak's finger causing her to drop Daniel who thanks the little skyfish for saving him followed by Rodney nuzzling against Daniel happy to have him alive. Natalie then whips out her twin electric batons and tells the two that she'll be happy to take them both on and that the two of them will pay for their crimes. Dagger then throws her knives at Natalie who deflects each of the blades with her electric batons before swinging them at Dagger who dodges her attacks before Daniel whips out his grappling gun and fires the cable at Dagger to restrain her followed by Cloak lifting Dagger's knives out of the ground with her telekinesis and sending them flying towards Natalie who combines her electric batons to form a bo staff and starts spinning her weapon to deflect the blades, one of which managing to scratch the side of Cloak's face leaving a scar on her cheek. Cloak then uses her telekinesis to free her sister from her restraints followed by the two sisters retreating. Daniel then tells Natalie that those two were ruthless, followed Natalie telling Daniel that's why they need to find the adult Nessie before the twins do before activating the X-jeep's submarine mode. Daniel and Natalie along with Rodney then hop in the X-Jeep which dives down into the depths of Loch Ness, the X-jeep shining its headlights through the murky waters. Natalie then listens to the frequency and recognizes it as Nessie using echolocation, meaning that she's close by. Daniel and Natalie both feel something ram against the X-Jeep which scares poor Rodney and realize that it's Nessie when they catch a glimpse of the beast swimming past the X-jeep's headlights before she rams their vehicle a second time. Natalie then theorizes that this Nessie must be the mother of the baby that the twins killed and that it must think THEY were the ones who killed her baby. Nessie then faces the front of the X-jeep and roars at our heroes before Daniel tells Natalie that they should try using the X-jeep's sonar to communicate with Nessie like what they did with her American cousin Champ back in "the search begins". Natalie then tells Daniel that's a great idea and activates the sonar in an attempt to communicate with the angry mother plesiosaur, and it works as the beast stops attacking and swims back into the depths of the loch. Daniel then contacts Bill and informs him that they found out the Nessie was killed by the Black Dot and that it was only a baby and that they just had an encounter with the mother who is very much alive and well (for now). Bill then asks Daniel what else he found, followed by Daniel telling him that he and Natalie had a close encounter with two girls claiming to be Domino's daughters and that one throws knives and the other can move objects with her mind. Bill then tells Daniel that this is worse than he thought and tells him and Natalie to follow the adult Nessie and make sure it doesn't befall the same fate as her child before ending the transmission. after that, we cut to the twins standing atop the ruins of Urquhart castle enjoying the view of the loch below before they are contacted by Domino who congratulates the two on their first mission by slaying the Loch ness monster. Cloak then tells her father that the one they killed was only a baby and that they still have yet to bring down the adult, the thought of slaying a full-sized cryptid making her sister Dagger giddy with excitement. Domino then asks the two what stopped them from killing the Adult, followed by Cloak informing Domino that they had a run-in with those two Animal X agents that he told them about. Domino then tells the two that they'd better kill the Animal X agents and the adult Nessie too or else he'll have to report to Dr. Uno that the two of them are defects before signing out. Dagger then tells her sister that she can't wait to have a second stab at fighting those pesky Animal X agents, followed by Cloak telling her sister not to be so hasty and that they need to prioritize finding and slaying the adult Nessiteras Rhombopteryx first. we then cut to the X-Jeep following Nessie down to a deepwater trench at the bottom of the loch. Daniel then puts on his scuba suit Natalie asking him what the heck he's doing, followed by Daniel telling Natalie that he plans on hitching a ride on the lake monster. Natalie then asks Daniel why the heck he would do that, and Daniel tells Natalie that it's because he thinks it would be fun. Daniel then tells Natalie to wish him luck and to watch Rodney for him before hopping out of the X-Jeep and diving into the chilly waters of Loch Ness. Daniel then places his hand on Nessie's snout before grabbing onto the beast's neck and riding the creature towards the water's surface, however they are stopped in their tracks by a large submersible with the black dot logo painted on the side which Daniel notices is being piloted by the twins. the submersible fires an electric net that captures both Daniel and Nessie which worries poor Rodney who watches from out the window of the X-jeep. Natalie then assures the little skyfish that they'll get Daniel back and rams the X-jeep against the twin's submersible full force. the submersible then fires a barrage of Torpedoes at the X-jeep before making its escape back to the surface leaving the X-Jeep sinking down to the depths of Loch Ness. Natalie then tries to reboot the X-Jeep's systems and it works and activates flight mode the X-Jeep launching itself out of the water before landing on the shore. Natalie and Rodney step out of the vehicle to see the twins in their submersible resurface with a captured Nessie in tow along with Daniel who is trapped in the electric net with the aquatic beast, the submersible transforming into a land vehicle dragging their two prisoners onto land before the twins step out of the vehicle ready to kill the adult Nessiteras Rhombopteryx while Daniel demands the two to let him and the beast go followed by Cloak telling Daniel to shut it and uses her telekinesis to make Daniel slap himself. Natalie demands the two to let Daniel and Nessie go, followed by Cloak telling her no can do and pushes Natalie away with her telekinesis slamming her against the X-jeep while little Rodney rushes to her aid. Dagger then whips out one of her knives and tells Daniel that she'll be glad to kill both Daniel AND the adult Nessie, however before she can strike the final blow Cloak rips the knife right out of her hand with her telekinesis telling her sister that she should be the one to do it and two twins start bickering over who gets to kill them before Natalie gets back up combines her twin electric batons to form a bo staff and fights both Cloak and Dagger at once while Daniel cheers her on, the two twins managing to easily overpower Natalie followed by Cloak freezing Natalie in place. Natalie then hears someone clapping their hands and turns her head to see Domino applauding our heroes with Doctor Uno standing by his side. Natalie is less than thrilled to see Domino. Dr. Uno congratulates the two girls telling them that they managed to subdue those pesky Animal X agents just as he made them for, followed by Natalie asking what he means by "made". Domino then interjects and reveals to our heroes that his twin daughters weren't made the old fashioned way and that they were clones created from his own DNA by the lovely Doctor Uno, followed by the good doctor saying that he replaced the Y chromosomes in the genetic strand with X chromosomes in order to make the clones female. Daniel then closes his eyes and starts meditating, Dagger confused asking Daniel why he suddenly decided to take a nap before his inevitable demise. Cloak then tells her sister that she doesn't think he's sleeping followed by Daniel's eyes opening and glowing an icy blue depowering the electric net which scares the two sisters followed by Nessie breaking out of the net freeing both herself and Daniel who rides on Nessie's back followed by the creature slapping the twins with its tail sending the two flying into the cold waters of the loch and freeing Natalie from Cloak's telekinetic hold. Nessie then roars at Uno which freaks out the poor doctor who runs away like a coward. meanwhile Domino loses his patience and unsheaths his sword from his cane followed by Natalie telling Domino that he'll PAY for the murder of her parents. Daniel then radios Natalie telling to get out of there as it's too dangerous however Natalie doesn't listen and charges at Domino full force electric bo staff in hand followed by Domino slicing Natalie's electric bo staff in half with his sword and Domino begins laying the smackdown on Natalie. once Natalie is beaten down on her knees Domino holds his sword up to Natalie's neck and starts taunting her by telling her that he enjoyed murdering her parents and that he's gonna enjoy making her join them. however before Domino can finish her off he then turns his head towards the Loch to see Daniel surfing on Nessie's back followed by Daniel running up Nessie's long neck before leaping off her head and whipping out his grappling hook which wraps around Domino's arm before Daniel punches Domino in the face knocking him down for the count followed by Doctor Uno and the twins rushing to their master's aid. Daniel then sees Nessie returning to shore and places his hand on her forehead telling the creature to return to the loch where she'll be safe from the Black Dot followed by Nessie safely returning to the water while Daniel, Natalie, and Rodney watch in amazement as Nessie breaches making a big splash before diving back into the depths of the loch. after that, we cut to the airship where Domino scolds the twins for their failure to kill the loch ness monster before telling Doctor Uno that the two are defects followed by Domino smacking both of the twins with his cane. Uno then pleads for Domino to spare them, as they just came out of the test tube meaning that they still haven't had the proper training yet which is why they got bested by those pesky Animal X agents so easily. our episode then ends with the twins promising their father that they will not fail next time.

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