Chapter 2: Part 2: Seven Flags

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After the people on planet earth 2 were revived, Finn, Lois, Scientist Celery, and Scientist V went on a mission to find Johnathan Good and Tyji.

Finn: Tyji! Tyji where are you?

V: Any humans on this planet????

The four see a giant amusement park in the distance.

Celery: Omg look at that amusement park! We should go take a break there.

Lois: Omg fuck no I hate advertisements.

Celery: No, amusement, that means it's entertaining!

Lois: ??? Entering where?

Celery: Fuck you you stupid ass bitch. I hope you go on one of those giant ass swings an-

V: Celery calm tf down.

The group goes into the amusement park. It's called Seven Flags. It has seven flags.

Finn: Look at those seven flags.

Lois: I only counted six.

Celery: Can I kill him? I really want to kill him.

Finn: I say we split up. Lois and Celery go together. Me and Veronica.

Celery: *sighhhh* ok...

The group continues the search for mostly Tyji while searching on roller coasters.

(On ferris wheel)

Celery: Wow look at the view from up here.


Celery: TYJI?!?!


Lois jumps out of the super high ferris wheel.

Celery: Lois why tf did you jump out from here!?!?


Dasani: Zrogle?

Dasani whips out a giant ass tenticle ands eats Lois.

Lois: Ewww why does this feel dirty?

Celery: Ew Dasanazoids kinky...

Celery takes out her Lazer Gun and kills Dasanazoid.

Lois: Omg Celery you saved me.

Celery: We need to be careful. There's bad guys here.

The two go on in the distance. But what Celery doesn't know is that Dasanazoids blood is a highly contagious disease...!

Like for covid 😍

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