Part 14: Juicy Ass and a Car Crash

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Stepank and Lois get into a car crash.

Lois: OMG!!! BIG OBESE GREEN! and stepank i guess... NOOO HOW WILL I GET HOME????




Before Stepank can finish her thought, Lois runs away.

Lois: I forgot, why am i running again???

In the distance, Lois sees these four kids. One of which, has a fat ass.

Lois: Damn that bitch has a fat ass, lowkey jealous... Lets go find out her secrets!!

Lois runs up to the group.

Cockins: Hey look, its lois from school.

Lois: Hi do I know you??

Cockins: All of us besides Broke Sheeran are in your class...

Lois: Oh ok. Anyways! Damn girl you got a fat ass!

Mucas: Who me Lois ;)????

Lois: Do I even know you???

Mucas: Wow rude.

Juicy J: Ugh- everyones always commenting on my abnormally gianormous badonkydonk!! God why do you curse me with this life.

Lois: Curse???? people pay for that ass?

Juicy J: Its heavy. Also Im a dude and my names Jace.

Lois: Ok Juicy Jace, or rather, Juicy J ;))). So sweetass areyou doing anything later.

Juicy J starts crying, shiting, and farting away.

Broke Sheeran: You guys wanna hear me sing A Team?????

Everyone: NO!

The four look up into the sky and sees Juicy J falling from the sky like an "ass"troid.

Juicy J: This is what you get for hitting on my gargantuan assetts!! >:000

The crowd screams and runs away, but before they could find shelter. The earth explodes, killing all humanity exept some humaninity.

Scientist Celery: I found some DNA examples of a few VIP people, but unfortuantely not all from this school could be recovered :(.

Lead Scientist Jaeson: Thats all right Celery, we can restore most life on this new planet Veronica found called "Planet Earth 2!"

Scientist Poopy: Really? Planet Earth 2???

Scientist Stinchfield: *singing* We are doing the best we can!!! *rainbow glitter*

Lead Scientist Jaeson: EVERYBODY SHUT THE FUCK UP! *hits mic* ok V, were throwing down the teleporter.

Scientist V: Alright, transmitting signal. Scientist Dr. Kurtdawg hit the power.

Dr. Kurtdawg: On it!

Like for part ass <3

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