Chapter 7: David Jacobs' POV

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Once I brought Jack to my apartment, Sarah and my parents were surprised that I came home earlier than usual, but my parents were a little bit upset that Les wasn't with me.

"David, what are you doing home so early? You just left about a few minutes ago. Who is that with you, and where is Les?! You are supposed to be watching him!", Mom scolded me.

"I know, Mom. This is my friend Jack. Les is fine, he is with another one of my friends from work"

"Well, nice to meet you, Jack", Dad greeted him. "But what is he doing here?"

"Well... He might have been... kicked out of his former lodging house and he is also injured, so I thought that maybe he could stay here for a while"

"Kicked out? What did he do?"

"It's a long story, but can he stay here for a while? He doesn't have anywhere else to go"

"Well, I think that we can make some room for him, so it would be fine by me if he stays here for a while. What about you, Esther?"

"It's alright with me"

"Thanks, Mom and Dad"

"But as soon as you're done taking care of him, you need to go back out there and find Les"

"I will, Mom". I took Jack into Les' and my room and I sat him down onto our bed.

"Davey, I'm fine. You don't need to take care of me. Just go back to work, so you can sell your papers"

"Not while you are injured"

"Davey, I will be fine. I have gotten worser injuries than this"

"But that doesn't mean that I shouldn't make sure that you are okay"

"I'm fine. I have already gotten you in enough trouble with your parents, so you should just leave me alone"

"Jack, it will be fine. Can you take off your shirt?"

"I don't want to, but I feel like I don't have a choice". He took off his shirt and I saw the bruises around his stomach and dried-up blood.

"What happened to you?"

"Nothing, I just ran into a bad situation"

"Does it have something to do with the other boys? Is that why you don't want to go back to the Lodging House?"

"No! I said it was nothing. Now, leave me alone!". I realized that there was no way that I could get any type of explanation from Jack at this point, so I just leave him alone and went back to selling newspapers.

Once I finished selling my newspapers, I went back to Newsies Square to take Les home, but some of the other boys were a little bit suspicious that I came back later than usual.

"Davey, where were you? You're never usually this late", Race asked.

"Nowhere, it was just a little bit of a slow day for me. But I still have to ask, are you guys sure that you haven't seen Jack anywhere?". I just want one of them to admit what actually happened to Jack. There is no way that Jack would be on the streets or not want to go back to the Lodging House if the boys hadn't done something to him that would make him not want to go back.

"No, we haven't seen him"

"So, he just disappeared? It doesn't sound like Jack to do something like that. Did something happen to him? Like something that would make him leave?". Race didn't respond, and that was when I had my answer. I knew that they did something to him, but the question is what did they do to him? "Anyways, Les and I should be getting home now. Come on, Les. Just let me know if any of you found out something about him"

"Yeah, we will". Les and I started to walk back to our house, but I started to think about how Les would react once he found out that Jack was staying with us for a while. Les is not going to be happy once I tell him that Jack will be staying with us.

The Disgraced Newsie( Rewritten)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang