Chapter 5 To and from the Field of Hope

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Jiang Qiuyue was not a soft persimmon either, she replied, "Study hard and make progress every day!" Don't stare at the meat in other people's bowls all the time.

    With her nostrils up, the woman glared at her and shouted again, "Chairman Mao said that all reactionaries are paper tigers!"

    "Chairman Mao also said that people don't offend me! I don't offend anyone! If anyone offends me, I will Prisoner!" Anyone who can't recite quotations, everyone on earth knows the classic sentence.

    The lesbian still wanted to say, but Peng Jingye interrupted in a cold voice, "This one, we are all good comrades who serve the people." The

    lesbian shut up and glanced at the oranges in Jiang Qiuyue's hands, and then looked twice. With a fresh green military uniform on his body, he finally snorted unwillingly, turned around and left.

    During this period, Wang Xiaohong and Lin Wenqing didn't even dare to let out a fart, and huddled obediently as quails.

    After waiting for the others to leave, Lin Wenqing wiped away his cold sweat exaggeratedly, and quietly revealed, "That woman has an uncle who is the deputy director of a state-owned factory

    . Qiuyue doesn't care if she hears it. No matter how prominent her status is, she will be transferred to someone else's territory. She has to be a tiger or a dragon. If she has no ability, she may not be able to fill her stomach. At that time, who will care if she is a deputy? The uncle of the factory director is not his father after all.

    As night fell, dim lights were lit at both ends of the carriage, and with the sound of the train clattering, the people in the seats began to fall into a deep sleep.

    The next day and night, the scenery outside the train window became more and more desolate and primitive, the yellow sand filled the sky and no one was seen, until new green gradually appeared, more and more wheat fields and rice fields appeared, and green mountains and green water began to come into view.

    In the evening, the train stopped, and the conductor arrived in the carriage to inform them that they had arrived at their destination.

    The People's Liberation Army is indeed a good comrade who serves the people. As soon as Jiang Qiuyue got up, Peng Jingye dragged her two bags down with one hand and the other, carried them out, and asked her to keep up with the small bags.

    Outside the car door, the little soldier was already waiting with two green backpacks on his back.

    Wang Xiaohong and Lin Wenqing also got out of the car later. Wang Xiaohong carried a lot of things in big bags and small bags. Fortunately, Lin Wenqing only had a small suitcase, and he could help him with some gentlemanly.

    The railway station in Lanxian County is obviously smaller than the railway station in the capital, and there are few passengers. Most of them are people who get off the train, and there are a few disgraced people waiting outside.

    Everyone who knew each other went out together. They were led by Peng Jingye. After they came out, they first found the person who came to pick up the car from Liujiawan.

    When Peng Jingye passed by, a middle-aged man in an undershirt and gray-green trousers immediately greeted him, obviously recognizing the identity of a comrade in the People's Liberation Army at a glance.

    After the leader was surprised, he realized that he was sending a little girl here. After he smiled clearly, he couldn't help but glance at the young educated youth who was white and tender. Sure enough, the girls in the city were different from the muddy girls in their village. It is raised from fine grains.

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