the reveal? | chapter sixteen

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i rolled back over, facing him. i give him a big grin. "i love you too" i say, embracing him in a hug. it's one of those sweet, long, hugs. the ones that really count. the ones that show you mean what you say. the one that says "i love you" like no other. and as i'm hugging him, i realize that what i said, is so true. this boy is the love of my life, and i know I'm young, but i know it. there's no way he's not

i'm pulled out of my thoughts by toby asking me if i'm okay. "i'm perfectly fine my love, i just honestly needed that hug"

"i could tell. i love your hugs" "do you now?" i say, grinning at him and giving him another hug. "i think i'm finally ready" i speak again, getting up from the bed. "i'm ready to be able to tell the whole world. i'm so ready to say that i love you toby smith"

"are you sure?" "i'm so sure... but maybe let's not directly tell the fans, let's subtly hint at it, you know? we can plan a cooking stream for tonight, and while we're doing it we can be in partners or trios or something. we could plan me, piso, and caiti in one group, you, tommy, and ranboo in another. halfway through we leave our groups and start like i don't know.. acting flirty i guess? like subtle hints that we're dating. does that make any sense?"

he stands up, and walks closer to me. "that sounds great. you've really put some thought into this, haven't you?" "yep, of course i have. i want it to be special, unique. our own way" he nods, bending down a little bit and kissing me before leaving the room.

god.. i love this boy

is this love? • tubbo x readerWhere stories live. Discover now