Chapter 1.

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'Lily,' My mother reprimanded, 'Do what you think is right.' Mumbling angrily under my breath harsh words towards her, I knew she was right. She always is. There was no denying it -  She just always was... although I'd never admit it to her, she was and always will be right. Unlike me, her 'failed abortion' as my dad used to call me before he left my mum for a 'better' version of her, Yes the girl was pretty but she was no mum. 

Sure she had blonde curls and blue eyes and was your typical high school mean girl (To me she looked like Regina George and I could just picture her telling my Dad - 'On Wednesdays we wear pink', I'd love to see how that goes down!) Over time I'd learnt to accept that dad was most likely never going to come back after the blonde bat dumped him ,which we all knew she would, even his parents who stood by us the whole time disliked his new fling wholeheartedly and were mortified when he left mum. And me, well I would never stand out like mum does with her flaming red hair and green eyes that always sparkled with mischief - No my hair was a deep, deep red that was almost blacky-brown and I had dull ,blue eyes that didn't sparkle the way mums did. Oh I wish they sparkled like  that. However I have always had clear skin but always had a light dusting of freckles over my cheeks (Which BTW I hate - HATE with a burning passion.) Today was bad - and its still only 11 am. #CRINGE.

Today I nearly lost my job. Key word : Nearly. Meaning I didn't. But I was close too, you see I'm a reporter or journalist or whatever you want to call it. I work for a magazine called Atlas - which is currently failing... Big time.

This is how I save my Job. Key word - Daniel Lopez.


@IAmAnOriginal Thank You for all the support you gave me in my Klaus Book which I will start to continue - Hopefully with better writing skills but I have been doing tests for a while now (I know its not an excuse but please don't kill me).

This isn't exactly a chapter - Its just a starting point - Like a prologue but different because It actually is important to the story. I will go back and edit my grammar so please don't freak out and enjoy my new story !

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2015 ⏰

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