Chapter 6: Mana stone

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So what it Athanasia couldn't use magic? She didn't have magic in "The Lovely Princess" and she was fine. She didn't need magic as well as Claude's love.

She was just.....

leveling the playing field.


The next day, Jennette's nerves were on fire

The entire night before, she stayed up wondering if Draco could actually pull through; and if so, what would happen after. Would the magic return and hurt Athanasia?

Of course did didn't want the girl to get hurt, but didn't the novel state that if the beast was destroyed, all of the magic would return to Athanasia at once?

It was safe to say she got very little sleep that night.

During breakfast, Jennette absentmindedly poked her food with her fork, a frown on her face.

"Yo, Summoner!"

Jennette's head shot up. What was that? It sounded oddly like....Draco. But that wasn't possible! Who just randomly ears voices in their head?

"It's completely possible, and your doubt in y abilities is seriously pissing me off."

She should have known better. Jennette shook her head, banishing her thoughts for more pressing matters. 'I assume that means you were successful?' She thought hopefully.

On the other side, she could practically feel Draco's emotions rolling off of him, telling her everything she needed to know. 'Pride', 'power', 'confidence'. Her demon was successful.

Jennette allowed a real smile to blossom on her face. 'Well done, Draco. Return to home me.' She praised.

There was a newfound trust in her words that made the demon feel....odd. None of his previous summoners had ever praised him, and his summoner referring to herself as 'home' stuck with him until he returned to the Aplheus mansion.

Jennette was sitting lazily on her sofa when the demon arrived, and merely glanced up at his arrival. "Come here." She ordered, holding out her hand. It was time for payment.

With a bit of focus, the brunette began to pump out waves of dark magic, her mana materializing in dark, murky waves. 'This is the first time I've actively used my magic.' She realized. Even though it was her first time, it felt as natural as breathing, she she could see it very clearly.

Draco seemed to bask in the dark mana, going off of the way his eyes closed and his chest rumbled similarly to the way a cat would purr when pet. It was oddly adorable.

After a few moments, the demon seemed to have his fill, and opened one scarlet eye to peer at the jewel eyed girl. "Is there anything else you need, summoner." He asked.

For a moment, Jennette was taken aback. She didn't actually expect for him to come forward and offer his services unprompted. "Hm... in the future, I don't want my magic to effect those around me harmfully." Of course she didn't want to harm Claude. If things went her way she would soon spend the rest of her days peacefully in the Emerald palace. "Is there anything that can help me? My magic subconsciously draws people I love towards me." She finished.

Draco hummed, and for a long moment he was lost in thought. Suddenly, he snapped his fingers and a jar materialized out of thin air. Inside, there was an uncut, glowing blue gemstone.

Immediately, Jennette's eyes were drawn to the jeweled. It was more beautiful than anything she had ever seen before, and (selfishly) she wanted it for herself. It almost looked like a fruit from the world tree, but somehow it was.....different.

"What is it?" She questioned, eyes still locked on the gem.

Draco wasted no time tossing the jar, causing Jennette to scramble to catch it if she didn't want it to shatter. "Pandora's tear. Carry this around you, and it should purify the dark mana you elude, all while keeping the positive effects." He explained.

Jennette's eyes sparkled as she gazed at the gem. "How does it work? Is it actually a tear?"

Draco rolled his eyes. "Of course its not actually a tear, that just the name. Moron." The demon huffed. "It works because it's actually a mana stone." At Jennette's puzzled look, he explained further. "Materialized particles of magical beings; like dragons."

Carefully, Jennette took the blue gem from the bottle, holding it in her hands.

'With Draco and this stone nothing can stand in my way of a happy ending.'

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