Mer's plan

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"Welcome..." She said and stopped.

She started giggling, then chuckling, then laughing. She then laughed loud, and hysterically.


All our eyes widened.

"What is that supposed to mean!?" A girl a few feet away exclaimed, obviously scared and confused.

"Yeah! What do you mean certain doom!?"I said accompanying the other girl.

Meredith looked at me, then smiled. She mumbled a few words and then exclaimed excitely: " I mean, death, of course!"

"So,your just going to kill us!?" A boy across the room said angrily.

Meredith was silent for a few seconds.
"Well, not yet, I guess..." She said

"Eventually you will all die...except one lucky person! That person will be allowed to leave peacefully without a scratch on them..." She said, then snickered.

"But that person is going to have to figure out how to escape!" Meredith laughed hysterically, and jumped off the desk she was sitting on.

"Basically, one person will be murdered tonight-" Meredith started.

"ONE OF US WILL BE KILLED!?" the girl a few feet away squealed again.

"Yes, now can you let me finish explaining?" Meredith said obviously annoyed.

"Anyway, tonight im going to brainwash one of you, then that brainwashed person will kill one of you. You all must independently solve the murder case. The first person to get back to me with correct results wins, and gets to leave unharmed." Meredith said happily.

" What happens if we don't get back to you first...?"
A girl in a mask said quietly.

" Well, what do you think? You die of course." Meredith said.

"SO if we don't solve the mystery... WE DIE!?" I said loudly, obviously concerned.

" Yes, mo- I mean Yamiko..." Meredith said, then turned away, embarrassed.

"Well, go to your rooms and get familiar with your roommates, I guess..." Meredith said.

Meredith snapped her fingers, and suddenly, a big pair of doors were unlocked. She sat back down on the desk, and it lowered back down into the flooring. The doors swung open and everyone flooded out, confused about what just happened. Everyone except me and Naoko.

We slowly approached the lowering platform, and right before the floor closed, we jumped in.

We landed on the top step of a staircase.
We got there just in time to see Meredith's fiery-red hair swiftly turn around the corner, at the bottom of the staircase.

We quickly, but quietly, followed her down the staircase, and up a hallway. We stopped as she swiftly walked into a room. We hid behind the door she had enter the room from.

The room was dark, but we could make out what was in the room. In the middle of the almost empty room, there was a chair with a man sitting in it. Meredith stopped behind the chair.

" Uncle, the spell worked. She remembers nothing, but she will remember soon enough." Meredith said calmly.

" Good job Meredith. You have successfully started this game of death."

" Thank you sir. Have you thought about who you want to die first?" Meredith replied.

" Yes, come here." The man said.

Meredith walked closer and the mysterious man whispered something in her ear.

" Yes sir. I'll get to that now." Meredith said then walked towards the door.

Just then, I suddenly felt dizzy... I collapsed into Naoko's arms, but few seconds later she too collapsed onto the ground.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2022 ⏰

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